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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Climate change is NOT the top priority for Alexandria Occasionally Coherent's "Green Ordeal", according to her Chief of Staff

Saikat Chakrabarti, 
Representative Alexandria 
Occasionally Coherent's 
chief of staff, 
admitted that the 
true motivation 
behind introducing
the Green New Deal 
is to overhaul the 
“entire economy.”

Chakrabarti said 
climate change was NOT 
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 
top priority in proposing 
the Green New Deal, 
during a meeting with 
Washington governor 
Jay Inslee.

“The interesting thing 
about the Green New Deal, 
is it wasn’t originally 
a climate thing at all,” 
Chakrabarti told Inslee’s 
climate director, 
Sam Ricketts, 
according to a 
Washington Post 
reporter attending
the meeting.

“Do you guys think 
of it as a climate thing?” 

"Because we really 
think of it as a 
-the-entire-economy thing,” 
Chakrabarti added.

The Green New Deal, 
proposed by Ocasio-Cortez 
and Senator Ed Markey 
                     (D., Mass.), 
would transition 
the U.S. economy 
away from fossil fuels 
within ten years 
while providing 
a federal jobs and 
healthcare guarantee. 

The proposal is not feasible, 
but if it was, the "Green Ordeal" 
would cost up to $100 trillion 
in new U.S. government 
spending over ten years.

Even if 
100% implemented 
in the next ten years, 
a U.S. "Green Ordeal" 
would not be enough 
to stop the rise of 
GLOBAL greenhouse 
gas emissions.