Germans don't like the noise,
the loss of property values,
and their negative aesthetic
effect on the countryside.
Wind farms also kill
lots birds and bats.
The German Wind Energy Association
reports: “Opposition has become
a serious hurdle for new projects.”
The General Manager at the German
Engineering Federation (VDMA),
said lawsuits trying to stop
new wind power projects
have put Germany’s
CO2 emissions targets at risk.
A Renewable Energies Agency survey
found that 52% of Germans supported
new wind energy projects, which means
close to half oppose new wind farms.
A study by Germany’s Federal
Environment Agency (UBA),
found that: “Subsonic noise
could have negative effects
on the human body, such as
disturbed sensory perception
or circulatory problems.”
Wind turbines have been sprouting up
all over Germany, destroying the
aesthetic value of the countryside.
According to the land owner association
Haus & Grund, fear of lost property values
are “absolutely founded.”
Property values could
“drop by 20 to 30%,
or homes could become
unsellable in extreme cases”,
if wind turbines were built nearby.
In Bavaria, a 10H-rule
was implemented in 2014,
“The Bavaria’s constitutional
court backed the ruling that
the minimum distance
between a wind turbine
and the nearest buildings
must be ten times
the height of the turbine.”
Wind expansion in Bavaria
virtually stopped since the
10H-rule was implemented.
Quoting Wind Power
Monthly wrote:
“In the first half of 2015,
around 275 MW was granted
approval in Bavaria,
but only 25 MW was permitted
in the second half of the year,
according to data published
by DEWI in February 2016.”
My prior articles on
infrasonic noise
from wind turbines
published in June
( particularly bad infrasound
noise comes from the newer
very large wind turbines ):