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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Climate Change -- What's the worst case? (You'll never guess the right answer)

We have about 78 years 
of experience with rising 
CO2 levels and mild, 
intermittent global warming 
(from roughly 1940 through 2018).

The UN's IPCC guesses 
that a small percentage
of that global warming 
was caused by burning
fossil fuels. 

All we really know 
is the correct percentage
is between 0% and 100%.

Here's what we do know
about past global warming:
(1) No one was hurt.
(2) Our planet is ‘greening’.
(3) The northern half of 
the Northern Hemisphere,
is still a cold region, 
but had more warming 
than anywhere else.

(1), (2) and (3) add up to
100% good news.

There's no logical reason 
to expect the next 78 years 
of climate change 
to be 100% bad news, 
much different than 
the past 78 years !

But that is exactly 
what we have been told
by climate alarmists
since the 1970's.

How many more decades 
should we continue
to believe the climate
scaremongering ?

The most likely worst case 
concerning climate change
is not what people think !

The worst case 
for climate change
would be a new law
to implement the 
Green New Deal, 
or a similar leftist 
fantasy that reads
like a brand new 
Communist Manifesto !

The Green New Deal is 
an infeasible, extremely 
expensive, overreaction
to a non-existent 
climate problem,
that is always "coming",
but never shows up !

The "coming" 
climate catastrophe
exists ONLY in 
overactive leftist

They have programmed
their unproven theories into
computer games (models)
to make them appear

But the computer games 
are not real science:
They have been making 
grossly inaccurate climate 
predictions for the past 30+ years.

In real science, wrong predictions
falsify a theory -- in climate junk
science wrong theories live
forever, like climate zombies !

Two of my 
the politics of 
climate change 
many decades ago:

“Politics is the art 
of looking for trouble, 
finding it everywhere, 
diagnosing it incorrectly, 
and applying 
the wrong remedies.” 
    Groucho Marx

” … the whole aim of practical politics 
is to keep the populace alarmed 
(and hence clamorous to be led to safety) 
by menacing it with an endless series 
of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” 
                H. L. Mencken, 
from "In Defense of Women" (1918)