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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Why are wind turbines bird and bat shredders ?

The east "wall" of my living room
is 100% glass -- sometimes
birds fly into it -- sometimes
we find a dead bird outside.

I was asked why birds and bats
are so stupid that they would fly
into a slow moving wind turbine

A simple question that 
"environmentalists" and
climate alarmists ignore.

Fortunately there was a 
logical answer in a recent
Willis Eschenbach article:

"Explaining Wind Turbine Lethality"

Here's a quick summary:

Wind turbine blades are 
moving much faster than
they appear to be:
"Most folks don’t realize that the tips of those big slow-turning wind turbine blades are typically moving at 175 miles per hour (280 km/hr, an average of 21 different models), with some going as fast as 230 miles per hour (370 km/hr)."

The blades are effective bug killers.
"German researchers calculated that each wind turbine kills on the order of 12,000 insects per day, which is some 12,000 tonnes of dead insects per year in Germany alone. And for each bug that is killed, perhaps ten bugs are injured or dazed."

Birds and bats arrive 
to eat freshly killed bugs
... which happen to be 
near turbine blade tips
moving 200+ mph.

Dead birds and bats,
which attract 
scavenging birds 
such as owls, buzzards, 
vultures and eagles.

And then they get shredded too.