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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why don't climate science facts change minds ?

Leo Tolstoy said: 
“The most difficult subjects 
can be explained to 
the most slow-witted man 
if he has not formed 
any idea of them already; 

but the simplest thing 
cannot be made clear 
to the most intelligent man 
if he is firmly persuaded 
that he knows already, 
without a shadow of doubt, 
what is laid before him.”

Why don't facts 
change minds? 

Because truth 
and accuracy 
are not the 
only things 
that matter 
to  humans. 

Humans have 
a deep desire 
to belong to 
a group.

Humans want to 
earn the respect 
and approval 
of their peers. 

Social connections 
can be more helpful 
to your life than 
understanding the truth 
of a particular subject. 

we believe things 
because they 
make us look good 
to the people 
we care about.

Convincing someone 
to change their mind 
is really a process 
of convincing them 
to change their "tribe". 

Facts often don't 
change minds. 

But friendship 
often does.

often occur 
between people 
on opposite ends 
of the political
spectrum, but 
more learning 
occurs from people 
with similar beliefs.

The people most likely 
to change our minds 
are those we agree with 
on most subjects.

Personal arguments are 
like an attack on a person,
so they become defensive.

Reading a good book, with 
a different belief, is more
passive, and not likely to
make a person defensive.

It is usually 
more productive
to promote 
climate science
facts and data,
than trying to refute
climate myths.

I know that historical
temperature data are 
repeatedly "adjusted"
to show a faster rate
of global warming.

But even after all the
data "adjustments", 
the official claim 
is only +1.0 degrees C.
of global warming
from 1880 through 2018.

Most climate alarmists
don't even know that !

It is more difficult
to attack climate 
junk science fantasies,
which is what I try
to do at this blog.

The climate change
fantasies are based 
on falsified theories
from the 1970's, 
that have not changed
in the past 40 years.

The falsified theories
are programmed into 
climate models,
which then make 
consistently wrong 
long term climate 

Most climate alarmists
also don't know that !