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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wu, et al (2019) -- Chinese scientists expect global cooling -- climate science was never "settled"

The new paper 
has been accepted 
for publication 
by the online 
Journal of 

This summary 
is based on 
an abstract and
press release,
not reading the 
actual paper.

My only message 
is that climate science
is far from being 
"settled science".

If it was 
"settled science", 
then we would not need 
climate scientists !

Speaking for Wu, et al,
Ms. Wu says:
Driving forces 
include the sun, 
the atmosphere, 
and its interaction 
with the ocean,” 

“We have detected 
no evidence 
of human influence. 

But that doesn't 
mean we can
just relax and 
do nothing.”

Their findings confirmed 
an earlier study by another 
team of Chinese scientists, 
published by the online journal 
Scientific Reports in 2014, 
which first detected the 
500-year cyclical pattern 
of China’s summer monsoons, 
and linked it to solar activity.

The 2014 research 
was based on 5,000 
years’ of data, and 
suggested the current 
warm phase of the cycle 
could terminate over the 
next several decades, 
ushering in a 250-year 
cool phase, potentially 
leading to a partial 
slowdown in man-made 
global warming.

Wu said the latest study
had 10,000 years’ worth 
of new data, providing
a better picture of the 
500-year cycle.

The new data suggested 
the impact of the sun 
on the Earth’s climate 
may be greater than 
previously thought.

Ms. Wu said variations
in solar activity alone 
were usually not 
strong enough 
to induce the rapid 
changes in vegetation 
the research team 
recorded in 
the sediment cores 
of Moon Lake. 

The scientists found 
the warming impact 
was amplified by a 
massive, random interaction 
between surface seawater 
and the atmosphere in the 
Pacific Ocean, known as 
the El Nino-Southern 
Oscillation (ENSO).

Wu said she was 
now more worried 
about cooling 
than warming:
“A sharp drop 
of temperature 
will benefit nobody. "

"The biggest problem is, 
we know it will come, 
but we don’t know 
exactly when.”