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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Take a moment to calm down about the climate wars while you are ...

... rolling up a Sunday New York Times newspaper 
so you can properly "debate" climate science with a leftist.

(1) You tell them one climate science fact, 

(2) You smack them upside the head with their rolled up Sunday New York Times newspaper. Otherwise, real climate science will not sink in to their closed minds. 
In fact, in the history of leftism, no beliefs have ever changed, except when moving further left !

Sometimes a leftist will duck, and you'll miss them. 
And then they will counterattack you with their brilliant climate science wisdom: "97% of scientists say you are a climate denier, and AOC says we only have 12 years left"

Here's what I do to calm down every time I read leftist climate change nonsense, which raises my blood pressure. 

I calm down by reading the following "sentence sermons" -- valuable words of wisdom, and an escape from the climate debate. I stopped to review the "sentence sermons" seven times yesterday, while reading a leftist climate change article!

Take a break from 
the "climate change war" 
... and the impeachment war:

Quotes below
are from:
"The Complete 
Book of Zingers", 
by Croft Pentz, 

Pentz was a minister, 
pastor and chaplain 
in New Jersey.
His book consists 
of 6,000 one-sentence 
sayings, which he calls 
"sentence sermons". 

Some are originals.
Most are not. 

no 'authors' 
are listed.
It is better to be 
short of cash,
than to be short 
of character.

is what you are 
when no one 
is watching.

You can easily judge 
the character of a man,
by how he treats those 
who can do nothing 
for him, or to him.

You have not 
really lived, 
until you have 
done something 
for someone, 
who can not 
repay you.

When in doubt, 
tell the truth.

Tact is
the subject, 
your mind.

How you 
spend your time,
is more important 
than how you 
spend your money.

Happiness is 
not having 
what you want 
-- but wanting 
what you have. 

is not doing 
what you like, 
it is liking 
what you do.

An apology 
is a good way 
to have 
the last word.

To find fault
is easy
-- to do better 
is difficult.

If you wouldn't 
write it, and sign it, 
then don't say it.

An angry man 
is seldom 
a reasonable man  
is seldom angry.

Before criticizing 
your wife's faults,
that they 
may have 
prevented her 
from getting 
a better husband.

Love is giving someone
your undivided attention.

An ounce of thought, 
may prevent 
a pound of apology.

A contented person, 
is one who enjoys 
the scenery 
along the detour.

You have 
the rest 
of your life 
to be miserable, 
so enjoy today.

After all 
is said,
and done, 
more is said, 
than done.

A wise man 
his mind; 
a fool, 

A wise
man has 
to say; 
a fool 
has to say 

a lot of books 
-- wisdom 
a lot of time.

Wise men think 
without talking; 
fools talk 
without thinking.

The truth of a matter, 
is not determined 
by how many people 
believe it.

A handful
of common 
is worth 
a bushel 
of learning.

is when 
you believe 
only half of
what you hear 
-- brilliant, 
is when 
you know 
which half.

No man really 
becomes a fool,
until he stops 
asking questions.

When you 
with a fool 
-- two fools 
are arguing.

The recipe 
for perpetual 
is to be satisfied 
with your opinions, 
and content with 
your knowledge.

You know 
a man is 
when the 
start quoting 
him on subjects 
he knows 
nothing about.

It is not 
polite to talk 
with a full mouth, 
or empty head.

"They say", 
is often proved 
to be a great liar.

to conclusions, 
is not nearly as good 
a mental exercise, 
as digging for facts. 

Middle age starts 
the day you become 
more interested 
in how long 
your car will last, 
than how fast 
it will go.

Old age, 
is when
you get out 
of the shower ,
and you're glad 
the mirror 
is fogged up.

The seven 
ages of man: 
(1) spills, 
(2) drills, 
(3) thrills, 
(4) bills, 
(5) ills, 
(6) pills,
(7) wills. 

A politician 
is a man, 
who approaches 
every problem 
with an open mouth.

Some people 
take the money 
and run; 
politicians run, 
and then 
take the money.

used to say,
"Give me liberty." 
Today they
 just say, 
"Give me."

Three of 
the most 
difficult things 
in life, are to 
keep a secret, 
forget an injury, 
and to make 
good use 
of your 
spare time.

In America there is 
much complaint, 
with little suffering
 -- in some countries
there is much suffering, 
with little complaint.

The greatest evil 
is indifference 
toward evil.

Life is 
what happens 
when you 
are making 
other plans.