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Monday, November 25, 2019

U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono says “believe in climate change as though it’s a religion, it’s not a science.”.

Earlier this month, 
U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono 
of Hawaii urged people 
at a prayer breakfast to: 
“believe in climate change 
as though it’s a religion, 
it’s not a science.”

I'm not sure what 
Senator Hirono 
intended to say
... but she
told the truth
about the 
secular climate 
change religion.

Climate change
is a religion built 
on a foundation
of  99% politics and 
1% real science.

The 1% real science 
is lab experiments 
that suggest, 
but don't prove, 
adding CO2 
to the atmosphere 
is likely to cause  
a small amount 
of global warming.

Warming so gradual, 
and so slow, that
no one would have

The warming would
be accompanied by a
'greening' of our planet, 
as greenhouse owners
already know.

What actually happens
in the atmosphere 
can't be determined
from a lab experiment,
but scientists do agree
that each additional
+100 ppm of CO2 
added to the atmosphere
will have a smaller
global warming effect
than the prior +100 ppm
increase of CO2.

The amount of warming
actually caused by CO2
is unknown, no matter
how many people
claim to "know".

The amount of CO2
level growth is roughly
half of the CO2 increase
caused by humans --
meaning CO2 does not
stay in the atmosphere
for long, since half 
the annual increase 
seems to be instantly 
absorbed by the oceans 
and biosphere.

The correlation
between CO2
levels and the 
global average 
has repeatedly

For 4.5 billion years:
CO2 levels up to 10x
higher than today.

Carbon dioxide
formerly in the air 
is now sequestered 
as the carbon 
in oil, gas and coal,
and in rocks too.

Burning oil, gas and coal
actually "recycles" CO2
back into the atmosphere,
from underground !

The past 800,000 years:
(expected to apply to the the past 4.5 billion years too)
Natural changes in
global temperature
resulted in similar
changes to CO2 levels, 
hundreds of year later.

Warming oceans 
released CO2, and
cooling oceans 
absorbed CO2.

Past 110 years:
1910 to 1940:
Global warming
with very small 
CO2 increase

1940 to 1975:
Global cooling with
CO2 increase

1975 to 2005:
Global warming with
CO2 increase

2005 to mid-2015:
Flat temperature trend
with CO2 increase

The above examples
show the correlation
between CO2 levels, 
and the 
global average 
has repeatedly
especially in 
the past 
110 years!

People claiming 
CO2 is the climate
"control knob",
must ignore 
4.5 billion years
of climate history,
and focus on 
1975 to 2005 
-- only 30 years !

The gullible
believers think 
the coming
climate change
"crisis" prediction
is 100% based 
on science !

I consider global 
warming to be 
good news, so 
the more CO2 
we add to the air, 
the better I like it, 
along with 
the green plants, 
that would prefer 
at least 1,000 ppm. 
of CO2, versus 
about 415 ppm
in the air today.

That's why 
owners prefer 
to have at least 
1,000 ppm CO2
inside their
so they add CO2,
by using CO2 
systems inside 
their greenhouses
-- to get a profitable
"greenhouse effect" ! 

If CO2 is added 
to the atmosphere 
by burning 
fossil fuels
WITHOUT using 
modern pollution 
controls, then 
the resulting 
air pollution 
is worse than 
the benefits of 
more CO2.

Air pollution 
can be seen in 
many Asian cities.

And that's a real

Climate change 
is a religion:
-- A new religion 
that requires blind
faith in wild guess 
predictions of the 
future climate, 
ignoring that 
past predictions
have been wrong 
for 50 years, and

-- A religion that requires 
the ability to completely 
ignore the past 325 years 
of intermittent, harmless 
global warming, of at least 
+2 degrees C. since the 
cold 1690s, which was 
very good news for people 
living on our planet. 

The climate 
change flock 
must also believe 
+ 2 degrees C. 
of global warming
after 1750, 
(another +1 degrees C.
warmer than today)
assuming it happens, 
which could take 
100 years
... would NOT be 
good news at all -
meaning it would be 
completely different 
than the past 
global warming,
and such bad news 
that it would be an 
"existential crisis" !

That takes a lot of believing !

The climate change religion 
attracts leftist anti-capitalists, 
arrogant leftist academics, 
and leftist authoritarians, 
who all have a strong need 
to tell others how to live.

These virtue-signalers 
imagine they have 
moral superiority, and 
therefore are obligated
to teach (hector) others, 
and then scold them 
when they don't "believe 
and act correctly."

True believers think
it is their life's mission 
to “educate the inferiors".

But they have a hard time 
"educating" (brainwashing) 
others, because they know 
almost nothing about 
real climate science, 
which studies the past 
and present climate 
on our planet ... and 
has NOT determined
the exact causes of
climate change.

Climate religion members 
are science deniers.

We have over 100 years 
of experience with adding 
CO2 to the atmosphere.

They say:
Never mind that !

The next 100 years 
of adding CO2 
to the atmosphere 
will be completely 
different, they claim
( "because we say so, 
and we have been 
saying so for 50 years" )

The climate change
religion is based on
"Because we say so 
junk science".

My summary of 
the popular
climate change 
(coming from 
an atheist's
point of view):

The Sin
= burning fossil fuels

The Punishment
 = going to hell, 
but no travel is required, 
because if you wait here,
the earth will turn into 
a global warming "hell"

= carbon offsets

=  hectoring 
and lecturing 

= computer game 
predictions that we have 
12 years before it is too late 
to stop runaway warming

= believing every 
scary climate prediction, 
repeating them to others
like a trained parrot, 
recycling everything,
favoring wind and solar power,
and driving an electric car, 
or at least a hybrid car.

The Church 
= The United Nations

The Bible 
= The IPCC summary 
Report for Policymakers 
("policymakers" = politicians)

The Choir 
= Government bureaucrats, 
who happen to have advanced
science degrees, all singing 
the same tune, nonstop, 
for 50 years!

Old Priest  = 
Mr. Albert "The Climate Blimp" Gore

New Minister = 
Ms. Alexandria Occasionally Coherent

Guest  Shrieker =
Ms. Greta Thunderberg

Excommunicated =
A partial list is below:

Vincent Gray, 
with a physical chemistry PhD 
from Cambridge University, 
who had been an expert reviewer 
of IPCC, told Forbes the IPCC 
" ... found that the public will believe 
almost anything that is represented 
as being agreed by ‘scientists,’ 
provided that you have enough 
of them and they are backed up 
by the requisite number of 
celebrities and public figures.” 

Therefore it’s necessary 
for the IPCC to “use spin, 
distortion, deception and even 
fabrication to cover up 
this absence of evidence.”

Chris Landsea, 
who specializes in 
hurricane studies, 
quit the IPCC 
because it was too 
“the media to push 
an unsupported 
that recent 
hurricane activity 
has been due to 
global warming.”

Richard Tol, 
a climate economist 
from Sussex University, 
who co-authored a 
chapter in the IPCC 
Fifth Assessment, 
“the summary focused 
on ‘scare stories’ 
and suggestions 
the world faced 
‘the four horsemen 
of the apocalypse,'”  

“did not want his name
associated with it 
because he felt 
‘uncomfortable’ with
the way the summary 
exaggerated the 
economic impact 
of global warming.”

Climate change zealots 
can’t convert everyone
to their religion. 

And they don't want to.

It's hard to feel superior,
without the existence
of "inferiors".

Climate alarmists
want to have some 
skeptics around 
to ridicule, and 
character attack, 
after which they will
claim those "climate 
denying yahoos" 
are obviously 
not worthy of any 
climate change

Leftists love
to ridicule and 
character attack 
-- they think that's 
a legitimate form 
of "debate".

Skeptics of a coming 
climate crisis, like me,
are "devils" in disguise.

So maybe 
I should change
the name 
of this blog
"The Honest 
Global Warming 
Chart Blog"
"The Devil's 
Global Burning 
Chart Blog" ?

Just a random thought.

November 24, 2019
Richard Greene
Bingham Farms, Michigan