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Monday, December 30, 2019

China has decided they won't handicap their own economy with CO2 emissions reductions, like the Europeans are doing to themselves

In 10 years, 
China’s CO2 
ate expected 
to match 
the rest of 
the world’s 
CO2 emissions 

China overtook 
the United States 
as the world’s 
largest CO2 
emitter in 2008.
 ( Liu et al., 2019 ).

By 2015, 
accounted for 
30% of global
global emissions 
( Shan et al., 2018 ) 
compared to
the US at 15%.

China consumes 
more than 50% 
of the world’s coal.

China is 
now building 
hundreds of 
coal plants -- 
planning to add
a new coal plant 
every two weeks 
for the next 
12 years !

China's longest 
coal transporting 
railway carries  
200 million tonnes 
of coal from north 
to east China 
every year.

China will be 
responsible for 
50% of the globe’s 
CO2 emissions 
within 10 years 
( Liu et al., 2019 ).

According to 
proponents of CO2 
mitigation policies, 
the cost of the global
infrastructure changes 
required to reduce 
CO2 emissions 
to acceptable levels, 
is $89 trillion by 2030.

Why should the 
rest of us spend 
$89 trillion to 
reduce CO2 
emissions ?

The journal Nature claims 
we’re already spending 
about $600 billion annually 
on CO2 mitigation.

So why should 
the rest of us 
$600 billion 
every year 
to reduce CO2 
emissions ?

“Total climate-related 
financing was $510 billion 
to $530 billion in 2017,” 
which is 
much higher 
than the 
$360 billion 
spent in 2012.

“The UN’s Framework Convention 
on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 
put it at $681 billion in 2016” 
(Yeo, 2019).

So why are we doing 
all this spending ?

More important:
 Why are the Chinese 
not doing this spending ?

Do their scientists 
believe the alleged 
global warming” 
is baloney ?

Chinese research 
actually considers
the real possibility 
of a cooling world:

China has decided 
they won't handicap 
their own economy
with CO2 emissions
reductions, like the 
Europeans are doing
to themselves.

The Chinese do
“talk the talk,” 
at every climate 
conference that
they attend, 
showing off 
their new 
windmills and 
solar farms. 

They also 
EU companies, 
with high EU 
energy prices, 
to move their 
to China !
“CO2 leakage” 
is where CO2 
in one area 
leads to 
exporting work 
to other regions, 
where CO2 
is not required, 
because of 
a "developing 
country" status. 

In the 1970s, 
China’s per capita 
CO2 emissions 
were 1/25th 
that of the US. 

more than half -- 
and on pace 
to overtake the US 
in about 12-15 years.

It seems that Beijing 
has never bought 
into the Coming 
CO2 Driven 
Climate Change 
Crisis hysteria. 

But they are 
more than willing
to let the West 
commit economic 
suicide !