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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Climate alarmists claim fossil fuel use makes a safe climate dangerous. In reality, fossil fuels used for heating and electricity, make a dangerous climate safe !

Climate alarmists claim 
fossil fuel use makes 
a safe climate dangerous.

In reality, fossil fuels 
used for heating and 
electricity, make a 
dangerous climate safe.

Seven billion people 
in the world need 
cheap, reliable energy 
to prosper.

Three industries 
achieved this 
on a large scale: 
-- The hydrocarbon (fossil fuel) industry, 
-- The nuclear industry, and 
-- The hydroelectric power industry.

The energy industry powers 
every other industry.

Nuclear and hydroelectric 
industries can substitute 
for fossil fuels, but both are 
opposed by environmentalists. 

Hydro is limited by the 
lack of suitable locations. 

Nuclear has much more 
opposition, for no logical 

It is an proven fact 
that the greenhouse effect 
of CO2 is a diminishing,
logarithmic effect; 
Each molecule of CO2 
"warms" less than the last. 

The belief that 
CO2 increases
will cause runaway 
global warming is a
wild guess fantasy.

Global average 
and CO2 levels 
are near 
all-time lows 
from a very long
term geological 

Warming has 
been almost 
desired among 
civilizations, with 
cold-related deaths 
far greater than 
heat-related deaths.

Life thrives under 
warmer conditions.

The fertilizing effect 
of CO2 is significant, 
yet usually by climate

They also ignore the
fact that greenhouses 
use CO2 enrichment 
systems to double or 
triple the CO2 level 
inside the greenhouses.

Satellite data show
large increases 
in plant growth in 
uninhabited locations
as CO2 levels cause 
a 'greening' of our planet.

The international disaster 
database, which tracks 
climate-related deaths --
including deaths 
from flood, droughts, 
extreme heat, 
extreme cold, storms, 
and wildfires--shows a 
98% decrease in the 
rate of climate-related 
deaths since significant 
CO2 emissions began 
about 80 years ago.