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Thursday, December 5, 2019

The "climate wars" --- Leftists think they follow science, but the "science" they follow is mainly junk "science"

People are attracted 
to like-minded groups. 

Once a member 
of such a group,
formally or informally,
people tend to believe 
things they see or hear 
that support the group's 
existing beliefs.

The "climate wars" 
are one example.

Climate alarmists 
claim unusually bad 
weather events have
been increasing.

Every dangerous
weather event 
is blamed on 
"climate change".

But when shown 
government data,
for over a century,
that contradict their 
claims, alarmists 
ignore the data.

Some climate skeptics 
claim that there's 
no such thing as the 
greenhouse effect.

They reject lab
showing CO2 is
a greenhouse gas, 
in lab experiments,
that date back to 
the late 1800s.

Although the lab 
experiments don't
tell us exactly 
what happens 
in the atmosphere, 
the experiments
do tell us something
about CO2.

Climate alarmists will
believe annual predictions 
of a coming climate crisis, 
with no doubt.

They either don't know, 
or don't care, 
that prior forecasts 
have been wrong 
for the past 50 years! 

My thoughts on the
root causes of the
"climate wars", 
where leftists claim
they follow science,
but the science they
follow is mainly 
junk science:

-- Leftists, who tend 
to reject conventional
religions, will accept
the climate change

-- Students are taught 
what to think in school, 
rather than how to think. 

-- Leftists are taught 
that fellow leftists 
with PhDs can predict 
the future climate, 
as if their 50 years 
of very inaccurate 
predictions don't 
matter at all !

-- Far too much science 
is funded by governments, 
where the politicians 
in charge just love 
to have a crisis 
-- every crisis is their 
opportunity to create
new programs, and 
spend more money.

That works even if 
the "crisis" is fake, 
as long as most people 
believe in it.

The coming climate crisis
is a fake crisis, "coming", 
for the past 50 year, 
but it never shows up.

The coming climate crisis
is completely invisible.

The global average 
temperature is whatever
government bureaucrats
tell you it is !

The global warming 
that they claim is too
small, and too slow,
for people to notice
on their own.

And not one person 
actually lives in the 
average temperature.

After about 325 years
of intermittent global 
warming, there have 
been no victims !

In fact, the climate of our 
planet is near the best
it has ever been for 
humans, and those
animals who live 

People are not
told the truth about
real climate science.

Real climate science 
studies the current
and past climate,
and does not make
always wrong, wild
guess predictions
of the future climate.

Real climate science
contradicts the narrative 
of a dangerous coming 
climate crisis.

Which leads to the
ultimate leftist goal:
 Create a "crisis"
and tell the world
the only "solution",
is to elect Democrats
and other socialists, 
because those  
Republicans and
conservatives are 
"science deniers".

That's what the 
climate change
led by the UN,
 tells us.

And the UN 
has been 
a very effective

I have no idea why 
anyone would trust
the UN, an organization
that seems to consider
Israel to be the worst 
nation on Earth !

the UN has 
no control 
over the climate.

People who have lived 
in the same area for 
a decade, or more, 
should be able to judge 
for themselves if there 
REALLY has been 
a change in their

And if they 
have REALLY 
noticed warming, 
was that warming 
good news or 
bad news?

We don't need 
to tell us exactly
what to believe
about the climate
we live in.

We don't need
some government 
bureaucrat to claim 
that one year was 
a few hundredths 
of a degree C. warmer 
than the prior year
-- their measurements 
are not even close 
to having such 
great precision !