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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Climate Buffoon of the Year 2019 -- Greta "Thunder" Thunberg

The Climate Change
Buffoon of The Year
for 2019, is my title 
for a person who gets 
national or global
attention, and says 
the dumbest thing(s) 
about climate change.

A large number 
of leftists qualify 
every year !

had been
in the lead
for her 
'12 years
left for earth' 
and a very 
bizarre proposal 
to ban airplanes.

To AOC's credit,
negative feedback 
caused her to revise 
her message, although
her complete nonsense 
climate science beliefs
have not changed.

Candidates tend to be 
political leaders, 
who have no 
science knowledge.

They act as trained
parrots, repeating 
scary climate 
predictions they
have memorized,
followed by: 
"You must do 
as I say to save 
the planet for 
the children".

Or people with 
science degrees, 
who make ridiculous 
climate predictions,
with a track record 
of having never made 
a correct prediction.

The winner in 2019 
is so young that 
the global attention
seems hard to believe.

She's not a political leader. 

In fact, she has almost
no political skills.

Her "charisma" is
actually negative. 

She does not have 
a science degree.

Or any other degree --
so can't be promoted 
using the usual leftist 
appeal to authority 
logical fallacy.

She is actually
a high school 

She does not have 
unusual intelligence.

In fact, she has 
at least one
mental disease.

The 2019 winner
is the always angry 
Swedish teenager
Greta "Thunderberg":

This very angry girl
has been brainwashed
by adults, to travel
around the world, 
for the purpose of 
attacking adults, 
for not acting
fast enough on 
climate change.

Of course the climate
of our planet has been
improving for over 
300 years, and no one 
with sense would want
to stop that good news.

But never mind reality !

The science deniers
of climate alarmism
do not care about 
past climate change
( 300+ years of gradual 
warming, and more CO2 
in the air -- both are
beneficial for life 
on our planet ).

Since 1957 (led by 
scientist Roger Revelle) 
people have been warning 
about alleged dangers 
of rising CO2 levels 
in the air.

That's 62 years of 
warnings -- so maybe 
it is time to sit back,
relax, and devote
energy to something 
important ?

If the "something
important" must be
then how about the 
excessive air pollution 
over Chinese and Indian 
cities ?

So much air pollution 
in China, that some of it
drifts east to the U.S. 
"left coast".

I've been told, but can 
not verify, that the 
Chinese air pollution 
reaching California 
causes an IQ decline 
of one point each year !

Or perhaps, there is
another cause ?

It's sad that 
leftists would 
use a child for self-
serving political
goals, and sad 
that her parents 
would allow her 
to drop out of 
high school.

Ms. "Thunderberg"
thunders on about 
'12 years to go'
at every public

And that's why
she is The Honest
Global Warming 
Chart Blog's
2019 Climate Change
Buffoon of the Year.

Says the clueless 
Ms. "Thunderberg", 
in her new book,
that I assume
someone else
wrote for her:
“Around 2030 
we will be 
in a position 
to set off 
an irreversible 
chain reaction 
human control 
that will lead 
to the end 
of our civilization 
as we know it.” 

of course, 
but written 
well, by a good 
ghost writer !

Ms. "Thunderberg",
you are the first 
female Climate 
Change Buffoon 
of the Year.

A later article about
the wacky Thunberg