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Monday, December 2, 2019

Climate Science 101 -- In twelve minutes you will know more than the renowned climate perfesser Ms. Greta Thunderberg

I doubt if 
I've changed 
the minds of any 
climate alarmists.

Some go berserk 
as soon as they see 
the honest global 
warming chart 
on the home page 
... and immediately 
leave !  

My goal is to refute 
the climate change
and science fraud.

Changing climate 
alarmist minds 
is near impossible.

Skeptics getting a
basic understanding 
of climate science
soon find out there are
a lot of unanswered 
questions, and real 
climate scientists have 
no ability to predict 
the future climate. 

Maybe someday 
they will, but not now.

And that was lesson one !

Lesson two is some
simple concepts that
require no numbers. 

Rather than learning 
anything about the 
current and past climate,
climate alarmists are
debating how much 
of the taxpayers' 
money should be 
spent on "fighting" 
climate change, 
and how fast 
all the money 
should be spent.

You'd think 
"climate change" 
was all about money 
and political power.

Well, it is !

But based 
on science, 
of course?

Well ... there's very little 
real science, yet the 
climate alarmists claim 
"the science is settled".

"The science is settled" 
may be the dumbest 
statement ever made 
concerning real science.

I credit Al "The Climate Blimp"
Gore for that phrase!

Here's some real 
climate science
with very few numbers,
except some dates:

The temperature 
of our planet 
is always changing.

The trend depends 
entirely on what 
start and end dates 
one chooses for 
the trend line.

We are a lot colder now, 
for example, then when 
dinosaurs roamed 
the planet (global
cooling since then).

But if you start 
real time global
average temperature 
compilations in the late 
1800's, which is when 
they did start, 
the trend is up (global 
warming since then).

That means all 
of our global average 
temperature calculations 
were made DURING
 a warming trend
 -- a temperature uptrend.

So we SHOULD be hearing 
frequent announcements 
of "this year is the warmest 
year since records were kept".

are expected -- 
they are not news.

"News' would be 
any year, or decade, 
that did NOT set 
a new temperature

When we stop hearing 
about new temperature 
records, that means 
the warming trend 
(since the 1690s) 
is over, and a cooling 
trend has begun.

On our planet, if there's 
no warming trend, 
then we'll be living 
in a cooling trend.

There's nothing good 
about global cooling.

Global warming 
has been in progress 
since the 1690s.

Intermittent warming 
since then has been
good news . 

More warming
in the future 
is extremely 
unlikely to be an 
"existential threat'
 -- it would most likely 
be more good news.

Adding CO2 to the air 
promotes plant growth
 -- thousands 
of scientific
prove -- 
new studies 
are summarized 
on this blog
almost every 

Greenhouse owners 
buy, and use, indoor
CO2 enrichment systems 
to provide their plants 
with triple the natural
CO2 level outdoors.

A warmer planet, 
with more CO2 
in the atmosphere, 
can support more 
human life, 
animal life and 
plant life.

What's wrong with that ?

CO2 is the staff of life 
on our planet -- with 
no CO2, there is no life.

Only a fool 
would call CO2 
a pollutant.

The CO2 added to the air 
from burning fossil fuels 
had been in the atmosphere, 
a long time ago. 

It was later sequestered 
underground, as the carbon 
in coal, oil and natural gas 
-- until humans discovered, 
and started burning, those 
hydrocarbon "fossil" fuels.

Burning fossil fuels 
gradually recycles 
underground carbon, 
putting it back 
into the atmosphere, 
as carbon dioxide. 

The current CO2 level, 
is near the lowest CO2 
level in the 4.5 billion year 
history of our planet.

No human being 
with common sense 
would claim the current 
CO2 level is too high, 
or even close to too high.

The plants that support 
life on our planet evolved 
at double to triple the CO2
level in the atmosphere today.

A higher CO2 level promotes
large and faster growing plants,
and they use less water too.

And that statement 
is based on real science, 
not CO2 scaremongering,
or wild guess theories.

Of course 
the good news 
of adding CO2 
to the atmosphere 
is more than offset 
by air pollution, 
IF modern pollution 
controls are NOT used 
when burning 
the fossil fuels.

Real science  
supports more CO2
in the air, but not
more visible air 
pollution, caused 
by other chemicals, 
that are easily seen, 
and smelled, in large 
Chinese and Indian cities.

Real climate science 
is complex, and has 
many unanswered 

Climate junk science 
is simple, and every 
question has a simple 
answer-- wrong, 
but simple.

We know climate alarmists
rely on  junk science when 
every intelligent question, 
from a person who doiubts
the coming climate crisis 
belief, gets dismissed 
with ridicule, and 
character attacks.

All good 
are skeptics, 
by the way.

And no scientist 
has any idea 
what Earth's 
climate will be 
in 100 years, 
not even whether 
the global average 
temperature will be 
warmer, or cooler.

Good scientists 
are willing to say 
"We don't know", 
"I don't know".

Junk climate "science" 
never expresses doubt
 -- at least not to 
the general public.