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Monday, December 2, 2019

My unique proposal for skeptics to promote the end of climate junk science (CO2 scaremongering), as inspired by "Ms. Greta Thunderberg", and AOC

People say doing
the same thing over 
and over, 
while expecting 
DIFFERENT results, 
is a definition 
of insanity.

In the leftist climate 
change cult, they start off 
being brainwashed 
about CO2, which 
already resembles 
insanity, in my opinion. 

They believe a climate 
crisis is coming, and 
have believed that 
for up to 50 years.

No crisis ever shows up.

But it is always "coming".

This article 
"fighting" climate 
in a new way. 

A new way not
anywhere else.

Based on psychology. 

Not debating climate 
science, which does 
not work.

And has not worked 
for many decades.

Climate alarmists 
claim CO2 causes 
global warming.

It's hard to argue 
with that.

Based on 
lab infrared 
CO2 is likely 
to cause 
some warming 
(CO2 actually slows 
Earth's cooling process, 
by some unknown 
amount, to be specific).

You could argue 
about how much 
warming CO2 
actually causes
outtside of the

But there's 
no evidence so far
to support more 
than mild, harmless 
warming, even when
using worst case

Climate alarmists 
don't care about actual 
experience with adding 
CO2 to the atmosphere,
for the past 80 years --
they claim future warming 
will be much faster
than in the past.

And their explanation is:
"Because our big shot
government bureaucrats,
say so, and you're just 
a science denier with 
no peer-reviewed 
science articles 
published, so 
who cares
what YOU think."

It's hard to debate 
what will happen 
in the future, because
no one knows.

If you start to debate, 
you'll get smacked 
upside the head 
with the nonsense
that we have to act now, 
even if the predictions 
are wrong, otherwise
it will be too late.

How can you argue 
with backwards logic 
like that -- do what we say
if we are right, and do what
we say if we are wrong ?

Climate history is ignored
 -- all 4.5 billion years, 
except for the 45 years 
after 1975.

The current climate 
is ignored, or 
considered to be 
bad, even though
it is wonderful.

Decades of huge
forecasting errors,
by every climate 
computer model, 
except one Russian 
model, are ignored.

Even the Russian model 
is ignored, because leftists 
think the Russians are 
colluding with President 
Trump, to claim 
global warming 
is harmless !

All contrary climate 
data are ignored: 

Unusual weather: 
Very warm weather, 
high winds, etc., 
are all falsely 
blamed on 
global warming.

Unusual weather:
Very cold weather, 
well, that's just 
weather, not climate.

Skeptics are ridiculed, 
called "deniers:", and 
character attacked.

We skeptics are insane 
IF we think climate alarmist 
minds can be changed 
with facts, data, logic 
and reason. 

Leftists don't change 
their minds, except to 
move further left. 

And they never 
apologize for 
being wrong. 

Have you heard 
any apologies 
after three years 
of the completely false
Trump Russian 
Collusion Delusion? 

Of course not !

Most Democrats 
still believe 
those fake
charges !

A year ago,
climate alarmists 
started moving 
faster, in the direction 
I wanted them to move. 

Let’s push climate 
alarmists to become 
even more radical, 
and more vocal, 
with demands ordinary 
people will not support.

are already moving 
in that direction, 
so pushing them 
further left 
will not be hard.

We already know 
their minds 
won’t change 
about a coming climate 
change crisis, when we 
present contrary facts, 
data, and logic.

Even hitting them 
upside the head 
with a rolled up 
Sunday New 
York Times 
does not help.

I’ve tried it. 

Knowing some facts 
about the current climate, 
and climate changes 
in the past, makes one 
ready to debate 
climate science.

But don't hold your breath 
waiting for any leftists
to debate climate science 
with you. 

They "debate" with ridicule
and character attacks. 

They prefer the appeal 
to authority logical fallacy
-- if a leftist professor 
or scientist with a PhD 
claims something, then
it immediately becomes 
a 'proven fact'. 

And they repeat 
those PhD claims 
like trained parrots. 

No offense intended 
toward parrots. 

Scary climate 
claims are always 
fantasies about 
the FUTURE climate. 

Frequently repeated, 
but always wrong 
(for 50 years), 
wild guesses 
about the future 

And the future climate
is always imagined 
to be bad news,
 ... but that bad news 
never shows up,
and we have been
waiting for 50 years !

I’ve been following 
real climate science, 
and climate change
junk science, 
for 22 years. 

False environmental 
scares started 
in the early 1960s, 
with DDT. 

Climate related 
scares started 
about 50 years 

There was a brief 
global cooling scare 
in the mid-1970s, 
after 35 years 
of global cooling,
that happened 
despite 35 years 
of rising CO2 levels. 

The global 
cooling scare 
did not last long, 
and involved only 
a small minority 
of scientists. 

But they got a lot 
of public attention, 
which other 
scientists noticed. 

And soon after, 
scary long term 
global warming 
predictions started 
becoming more 

In the 1980s, 
most scientists 
were making 
scary global 
and the UN 
heard them.

The UN got heavily involved 
in 1988, when they launched 
the IPCC group, with the goal 
of becoming the world energy 
and climate czar. 

The IPCC recruited 
like minded scientists, 
and rejected natural causes 
of climate change as
being unimportant 
(even though natural 
causes of climate 
change had been the ONLY 
cause of climate change 
for 4.5 billion years).

Humans added 
a lot of CO2 
to the air by burning 
fossil fuels, since 
the trough of the 
Great Depression. 

1940 is a good start 
date for man made 
CO2 emissions, 
although the 
emissions ramped 
up faster after 1950. 

What happened after 1940?

The global average 
from 1940 to 1975 
went DOWN -- 
originally reported 
as -0.3 degrees C.

But that was an
inconvenient fact, 
with CO2 levels 

So smarmy government 
bureaucrats have been 
"adjusting away" that 
global cooling. 

With various global
temperature compilations,
It now ranges from 
-0.2 degrees C. cooling, 
to no global cooling at all ! 

One source of data 
is NASA-GISS -- 
they currently claim 
there was no global 
warming from 1940 
to 1979, although 
their data are far 
from being global, 
requiring a lot 
of estimates 
to fill in areas 
with no temperature 
measurement data. 

And from 1979 
through 2018, 
we can use near 
global coverage UAH 
\weather satellite data
 -- only small areas 
around both poles 
require estimates. 

UAH data claim 
+0.5 degrees C. 
of global warming 
from 1979 through 

So the total global warming 
from 1940 through 2018
is about zero through 1979, 
and then +0.5 degrees C.  
warming after 1979, 
which is about 
+0.9 degrees F. 

Just as important, 
but hidden within 
a single global average 
temperature number:
The majority of global 
warming since the 1970s , 
has been:
-- Mainly In the northern half 
of the Northern Hemisphere,
-- Mainly during the six 
coldest months of the year
-- Mainly at night.

Warmer winter nights in Alaska 
is one of the biggest changes!

Considering the total warming, 
and the details about where 
and when it has 
most affected 

How has Earth 
being slightly warmer 
affected people ?

Have you noticed 
any change in your 
own climate over 
at least 20 years ?

Is your life worse 
because your area 
feels slightly warmer ?

Here in Michigan,  
the period since 
mid-December 2018 
has been unusually cold, 
so +0.9 degrees F. 
warmer would be great.  

+1.8 degrees F. warmer
would be even better. 

Except for summers, 
when people from Michigan 
go on vacation, they usually 
fly or drive south 
to a warmer climate. 

Most people like 
a warm climate. 

With the exception 
of some skiers, 
people living 
in Michigan 
prefer the summer, 
over the winter. 

Consider the current 
global climate: It has not 
been better for humans, 
and animals living outdoors,
in at least 5,000 years. 

We should be celebrating
the current climate. 

Instead, the smarmy CO2 
scaremongers have done 
an effective job of scaring
people about the future 
climate, with propaganda. 

People today are living 
in the best climate 
for human life since 
the even better, 
and warmer, 
Holocene Optimum.

But it seems that 
most people are not 
smart enough to observe 
the climate they live in.

They are too distracted
 by self-serving leftists
 ... who have frightened them 
about the future climate 
-- and some people have
become very stressed.

This scare has been ongoing 
for 50 years — pushed 
especially hard in the 
past 31 years, since the 
UN formed the IPCC
in 1988.

I find it hard to believe 
that after 31 years 
of hearing about a
“coming climate crisis”,
with no crisis ever 
showing up, that many 
people still listen to 
climate predictions.

Can anything stop 
this self-serving 
climate science fraud ?

I’ve had two ideas 
for two decades
 — you may have more;

Noticeably colder weather.

And it happened 
in the US. in 2019 !

But few people noticed.

In the US, we had 
the coldest ever 
January through August 
(in 2019), since records 
were kept in 1895 
(based on average daily 
maximum temperatures 
from NOAA’s USCHN 
weather station network).

But no one in 
the mass media 
reported that fact, 
and I doubt if anyone 
I know even realized it.

So that idea did not work.

If the weather 
does not get 
cold enough 
to make most
people question 
global warming 
there's another way
 to "fight" climate 

We need the people 
leading the climate 
science fraud to get 
even more radical.

That sounds ridiculous 
at first, until you think 
about it for a while.

We need them 
to be frantic, 
and outrageous, 
just like the new
"Extinction Rebellion".

Gluing themselves 
to buildings and roads,
inconveniencing ordinary 
working people.

We need them to become 
so radical that they seem 
like over emotional zealots, 
incapable of rational thought.
(i.e.; crazy people).

I am very pleased 
to say that’s actually 
happening in 2019, 
and we skeptics should 
encourage the climate 
alarmists to become 
even more radical.

That can work, 
even though leftists
almost "never" 
change their minds
-- but they will change 
their minds to move 
further left.

So let’s encourage that !

Th US Democrat party 
became a socialist party, 
as of 2018, changing so fast 
that some older liberals 
still don't understand 
what happened.

We can encourage 
Democrats to move 
even further left.

We already have some 
radical climate demands, 
and dumb climate leaders:

– How about the 
Green New Deal 
for the US? 

Extremely expensive
 -- but with most of the 
spending proposed 
for social programs, 
completely unrelated 
to CO2 emissions 
and climate change.

And after 
all that spending
-- up to $100 trillion 
over ten years -- 
a U.S. Green Ordeal 
would NOT 
stop the rise 
of global 
CO2 emissions, 
even if "Ordeal"
had been feasible, 
in a ten year period.

– How about AOC?
She's a Marxist 
getting paid $174,000 
a year as a public servant 
promoting the Green Ordeal,
open borders, and other
crazy ideas.

Ms. Alexandria Occasionally
Coherent is a climate 
spokesman so radical 
that it seems like 
climate skeptics 
picked her out from
"central casting", 
and gave her 
dumb lines to read ! 

– How about that
Greta "Thunderberg" ?

A very angry Swedish
high school dropout, 
with a mental disease, 
whose speeches tediously 
"lecture at" adults !

The appeal to authority 
logical fallacy works 
on leftists, when PhD 
scientists are involved. 

They LOVE the phrase 
"Scientists say", 
as if scientists had 
a great track record
predicting the future
climate (they are 
"batting" 0.000).

But little 
Miss Thunderberg 
is a high school 
dropout, not a PhD --
a really angry 
"trained parrot" 
of climate alarmism, 
invoking the 
"12 years left" 
nonsense in EVERY
public appearance.

A brainwashed teenager 
with a mental illness 
and negative charisma.

She's a dream come true 
for rational climate skeptics.

We need more Gretas.

Climate alarmists 
have already been 
moving further left 
(more radical) 
for the past 
few years.

Instead of arguing 
with them about 
climate science, 
which doesn't work, 
let's push the 
climate alarmists 
further left.

We want the climate 
alarmists to make 
such radical demands 
that ordinary people 
question their sanity, 
and eventually 
reject them.

For some examples:
Climate alarmists 
should spend 
much more time 
their desire for 
population reduction, 
and women not having 

Let's encourage them 
to speak up LOUDLY 
about both subjects.

How about demanding 
a ban on meat sales 
on Mondays, Wednesdays 
and Fridays,
in supermarkets 
and restaurants, 
except for fake meats ?

How about outlawing 
fracking everywhere 
in America ?

How about demanding plans 
to close all coal power plants 
within two years ?

Most important 
is to hit people 
in their wallets:

-- Let’s push 
to propose a 
$1 per gallon 
gasoline tax 
to fund windmills.

-- Then another 
$1 per gallon tax 
to fund solar panels.

When alarmists claim 
'the world is going
“to end in 12 years', 
let’s encourage them 
to claim eight years,
or six years, 
perhaps because 
India and China 
seem to be ignoring
the Paris Climate 

Richard Greene
Bingham Farms, Michigan
Temperature Outdoors:
Too  #@&%$  cold !