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Monday, December 23, 2019

Earth's Magnetic North Pole Is Moving Faster Than Ever -- Scientists Baffled

Earth's magnetic 
North Pole may have 
nothing to do with 
climate change.

But I present this article
because it is typical 
of real science, and
also interesting.

Things happen that
can't be explained.

Scientists know what 
has happened, but 
are baffled by why.

There is no simple
"answer" like the fake
"CO2 levels control 
the climate of our planet,
and nothing else matters",
is the simple false narrative 
designed for gullible
leftist simpletons.
( and anyone who 
dares to disagree
is verbally attacked
as a science denier).

North Pole 
is moving.

For the first time 
in recorded history, 
the North Pole
has passed by the 
Greenwich meridian
—the imaginary line 
used to indicate 
0° longitude, 
and determine 
time zones.

Geomagnetic specialist 
Ciaran Beggan, from the 
British Geological 
Survey (BGS), told the 
Financial Times:
“The movement 
since the 1990s 
is much faster 
than at any time 
for at least 
four centuries.

We really 
don’t know much 
about the changes 
in the (Earth's) core 
that’s driving it.”

Polar wandering 
has been constant 
since the North Pole 
was first discovered, 
according to the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration (NOAA)
of the U.S.Commerce Dept.

So why why should 
anyone care about this ?

Because changes in recent
decades are happening at 
unprecedented speeds 
-- five times faster 
than before !

Continued rapid movement 
of the magnetic north pole 
will eventually begin 
causing problems for 
Global Positioning System
(GPS) accuracy, affecting 
military operations, airliners, 
and other navigation systems 
that rely on pinpointing precisely 
where the North Pole is located.

What does "eventually" mean ?

University of Wisconsin-Madison 
geologist and NOAA study author 
Brad Singer told CNN the shifts 
in the pole could, in the long term, 
lead to impacts on satellites, 
communication, and navigation, 
but researchers will likely
have generations to deal with 
any major instability 
in the magnetic field.

“The decrease in geomagnetic 
field is much more important 
and dramatic than the reversal,” 
said Dr. Nicolas Thouveny 
from the European Centre 
for Research and Teaching 
of Environmental Geosciences 
(CEREGE) in Aix-en-Provence, 

“It is very important 
to understand if the 
present field will decay 
to zero in the next century, 
because we will have 
to prepare.”

Migratory birds, butterflies, 
and whales also use 
the magnetic field 
for directions, although
an effect on them, if any, 
is not known.

NOAA's latest report, the 
“World Magnetic Model” 
for 2020 ("WMM 2020"),
shows the magnetic pole 
speeding in the direction 
of Siberia. 

NOAA’s National Centers
for Environmental 
Information explained:

“Since its first formal 
discovery in 1831, 
the north magnetic pole 
has travelled around 
1,400 miles (2,250 km).

This wandering has been 
generally quite slow, 
allowing scientists 
to keep track of 
its position fairly easily.”

As recently 
as 2000,
the magnetic 
North Pole 
was moving 
only 6.2 miles 
per year toward 
Northern Russia.

Data for the next 
two decades show 
the average rate 
suddenly increasing 
to roughly 34 miles 
per year, in the 
same direction.

Readings in 2019 
show a similar 
31 miles per year,
of movement.

The World Magnetic 
Model 2020 predicts 
the average speed 
will slow down to 
25 miles per year 
from 2020 to 2025.

Not that I trust models !

“The WMM 2020 
forecasts that 
the northern 
magnetic pole 
will continue drifting 
toward Russia, 
although at a slowly 
decreasing speed
—down to about 
40 km per year 
compared to the 
average speed 
of 55 km over the
past twenty years.”

The new model 
also confirms 
that Earth’s 
magnetic field 
is weakening. 

If this continues, 
the field could collapse 
entirely and flip polarity
—changing magnetic north 
to south, and vice versa
—with no good 
for the planet.

Earth’s magnetic poles 
have already flipped 
up to 100 times in the past 
20 million years, with the
 last reversal about  
773,000 years ago.

North Pole drift is believed 
to be the result of processes 
in the center of the planet.

A liquid outer core made of 
iron and nickel spins and flows 
like water, serving as a conductor
for Earth’s magnetic field.

The recent change 
in the flow of the fluid,
assumed to cause
changes in the planet’s 
magnetic field, may be 
similar to the formation 
of a jet stream in the 
atmosphere !

Earth’s magnetic field 
has been in perpetual 
motion for millions 
of years, based on 
studies of rock samples.