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Monday, December 23, 2019

The UN's Climate Change Propaganda Is an Insult to Real Science

Real science 
does not 
the causes
of climate 

Real science 
does not claim
carbon dioxide 
controls the 
global average

Real science 
points out that 
long before there 
were humans, 
the climate was 
constantly changing,
and man made CO2 
had nothing 
to do with it.

In the past one million
years, temperature 
changes happened
hundreds of years 
level changes.

The warming that 
started in the 1690s, 
still in progress,
was not started 
by man made CO2.

The warming 
from 1910 to 1940
in the Northern 
(few Southern Hemisphere
temperatures were available)
was accompanied 
by only a tiny rise 
of CO2 levels.

The period 
from 1940 to 1975
had a large increase 
of CO2,with no warming 
at all -- in fact there was 
global cooling 
( dishonest bureaucrats
keep decreasing the cooling,
with arbitrary "adjustments",
because it doesn't fit their 
climate change "narrative" ).

The period 
from 2005 to mid-2015
had a large CO2 
level increase with 
a flat temperature trend
(using nearly global 
satellite data).

Are those 
enough exceptions
to the false claim 
that CO2 levels
control the global 
temperature ?

In fact, during Earth's 4.5 billion
year existence, there is ONLY
one period when man made CO2
and global average temperature
BOTH moved significantly higher:
1975 to 2015 !

Only 40 years, 
out of 4.5 billion years, 
that climate alarmists
point to as their version
of "proof" that CO2 levels 
control the climate.

Not that the fact 
that two variables
at the same time 
means that one variable 
caused the other to rise.

40 years of correlation 
does not prove causation,
in scientific language !

Climate dishonesty 
started with dire warnings
in 1957, and ramped up 
a lot after 1988.

The climate change 
“emergency” has been
fake news for over 
60 years.

Real scientists would 
roll over in their graves
if they knew that 
climate science
had devolved into:
Skepticism vs.

The "climate 
is the most effective 
propaganda exercise 
since lying warmongers 
got the U.S. into wars to 
replace the governments
in Iraq and Afghanistan.

After ten years, 
when thousand died,
tens of thousands 
were injured 
and trillions of
dollars were spent,
Osama Bin Laden 
was found in Pakistan,
not Afghanistan.
(and killed there by 
a small U.S. special 
forces team).

And of course, 
the nation of Iraq
NEVER had 
any connection
to the 9/11 attack 
on the U.S.

Yes, our planet 
is warmer than 
it was in the 
cold 1690s.

Perhaps +2 degrees C.
warmer than the 1890s,
which were a decade so cold,
within the cold Little Ice Age
centuries, that there were
some famines in Europe.

A few degrees warmer
now is something 
we should celebrate,
not something to be
dishonestly extrapolated
into a coming climate crisis !

Carbon dioxide 
exhibits a mild
greenhouse effect in the 
controlled environment
of a science laboratory. 

In real life, a large CO2 
increase from 1940 to 
1975 caused NO global

Real science is full of
mysteries and has 
many unanswered

A few weeks ago 
government bureaucrat 
alarmists predicted doom, 
before taking private planes
to the UN's Madrid climate 
change summit. 

Thundering Greta Thunberg 
arrived by yacht, after her 
British skipper flew to the US 
to pick her up.

UN Secretary General 
António Guterres claimed 
he could see “the point 
of no return”. 

waved the UN’s
2019 Emissions 
Gap Report 
as if it was 
their bible -- 
CO2 emissions 
cut by at least 
7.6% per year 
for the next 

That could 
only happen 
very serious 
that lasted 
for 10 years !

Last year the UN warned 
that we had just 12 years 
to save the planet. 

Some so-called "scientists" 
have recently revised the
12 years to 18 months !

A recent study claims that
parts of the world have 
already reached – or are close
to, an alleged “tipping point”.

A tipping point 
is an imaginary
event, completely 
unrelated to Earth's 
climate history, 
whereby the planet 
becomes caught in a
destructive positive 
feedback loop. 

The "tipping point" nonsense
ignores the fact that our planet's 
current CO2 level is unusually low,
not unusually high. 

Past levels of CO2, 
up to 10x higher
than today, did NOT 
cause any tipping point, 
or else none of us
would here today 
to argue for real 
climate science (me) 
or for climate junk science 
(the climate alarmists).

These future climate wild 
guesses, wrong for over 
60 years so far, are presented 
to the public as unquestionable 

Don't you dare ask a question,
or else you will be character 
attacked as a science denier.

In the bizarro world 
of climate change
any claim 
about the future 
climate, by a person 
with a science degree, 
automatically becomes
a "fact", ONLY if the 
future climate
is claimed 
to be bad news 

This effectively
reduces claims 
of the 
future climate
to fake news. 

The UN's IPCC said 
in 2007 that the global 
average temperature 
had risen by 
+0.2C per decade 
between 1990 
and 2005.

In 2007 the IPCC
used that figure 
for their 20-year 

Actual warming 
turned out to be 
just +0.05 C. 
per decade over 
the next one dozen 
years !

People with 
science degrees,
who want 
media attention
government jobs, 
and government grants,
are locked in a race 
to the bottom to make 
disastrous climate 

Like a global contest
to tell the scariest
campfire story.

Disciplined debate 
used to be the 
motor of scientific 

Not any more.

try to shut down 
discussions that 
dissent from the 
coming apocalypse 
climate narrative. 

Studies that look at 
any of the past
4.5 billion years 
of natural climate 
changes are ridiculed,
and denied space in 
so-called scientific

who explore 
changes to 
and solar 
energy changes,
as climate change 
are ridiculed by 
"the science
is settled Nazis".

As if real science
is ever settled !

In our bizaro world
of climate change
junk science,
people like me 
are ridiculed for
pointing out that 
our current climate
is the best it has been 
for humans, for at least 
800 to 1,000 years,
( since the Little Ice Age 
centuries began, where
unpleasant, unusually 
cool, periods were far
too common).

In our bizarro world 
of climate change
junk science, 
a realist like me, 
who reports on past
climate, and does not 
wild guess the future
climate, is called 
a skeptic, at best,
and a science denier, 
at worst.

In our bizarro world 
of climate change
junk science, 
the wild guess, 
always wrong,
predictions of 
the future climate 
are considered 
to be real science !

In spite of 
being wrong
for over 60 years !