"Luke Warmers"
are people who
believe burning
fossil fuels causes
moderate global
That seems reasonable,
but actual experience
has been different.
In the past 80
years of burning
fossil fuels, we have
had global cooling
(1940 to 1975),
global warming
(1975 to 2005),
and a flat trend
(2005 to mid-2015).
Luke Warmers
believe global
is a problem.
They fail to notice
global warming
has been in progress
since the 1690s,
with no problems at all.
Luke Warmers
believe something
must be done
to reduce the
CO2 emissions.
Actually, nothing
has to be done,
because adding
CO2 to the air,
with modern
pollution controls,
benefits our planet
by increasing the
growth of green
plants used for food.
Luke Warmers
also believe the
"coming climate
crisis" beliefs
the problem.
But they jump to
the conclusion
that having more
CO2 in the air
is a problem.
Luke warmers
caution against
any rush to
stop burning
fossil fuels,
but they
do want
to eventually
eliminate them.
That's a
goal -- the
world economy
is built upon
a foundation
of inexpensive,
No one in their right
mind would want to
destroy a reliable
energy system
that works well,
at a reasonable price,
to build an expensive,
inconsistent wind and
solar energy system.
The Luke Warmers'
middle of the road
position seems
very reasonable,
at first.
A polite compromise.
But after you
carefully think
about their message,
revealed through their
speaking and writing,
Luke Warmers
are just trying to
"revise" climate
alarmist predictions.
Luke Warmers
"play it safe",
which is boring
and not persuasive.
Luke Warmers
want to debate
about how bad
carbon dioxide is,
and how bad the
future climate
will be.
Wanting to debate
climate science
is commendable,
but Luke Warmers
don't seem to realize
climate alarmists
rarely debate.
Even if they start
to debate, alarmists
will soon declare
the climate
science is settled,
quote some study
conclusion (the
smarter ones),
and then ridicule
and character attack
the Luke Warmers.
"Leftist" and "polite"
are two words that
do not fit together !
Leftists are a
ngry people,
especially after
Trump won
the 2016 election,
who throw tantrums
when they don't get
their way.
Leftists consider
any disagreement
to be "hate speech".
With one exception,
they won't change
their minds, admit
to being wrong, or
apologize for their
character attacks.
For example:
The false, no evidence
claim, that Donald Trump
colluded with Russians,
is three years old --
with not one leftist
apology for the ch
false charge.
In fact, they seem
to still believe it !
The one exception
is that leftists will
change their minds
to move further left.
Luke Warmers
will treat the
climate alarmists
as if they are just
misguided people,
who need to be
gently "corrected".
In reality, climate
alarmists are
science denying
zealots, a secular
religious cult.
They are desperate
for more government
powers to control
people's lives,
and even how
they think.
Climate alarmists
often dismiss the
Luke Warmers
in seconds,
with their illogical
That so called
"Principle" leads to
the claim that people
MUST act quickly,
on the assumption
that CO2 is an evil gas.
The precautionary
principle claims:
" Everyone must do
everything we say,
because we know
that we are right
... and
everyone must do
everything we say,
even though
we may be wrong,
because there is no
time for more study.
We MUST act now ! "
Only a fool would
believe that self
serving "principle" !
The precautionary
principle is based on
the logical fallacy of
circular reasoning,
but leftists love it,
because it supports
their political goals.
Some Luke Warmers
are scientists, and
sometimes climate
Perhaps scientists
who have been
verbally attacked
in the past by
climate alarmists.
Those attacks
make people
very cautious,
and then they
may react by
"playing it safe"
on the subject
of climate science.
A scientist
who has a job
or a business
related to science,
could be financially
harmed if he made
statements about
climate alarmism
that upset superiors
at work, or potential
business customers.
as a result
of those outside
pressures, Luke
Warmers play
it safe.
Which means their
writing and speeches
won't get much attention,
and won't change minds.
Luke Warmers
fail miserably
to change minds,
-- They do not fight back.
-- They have no passion.
-- By trying to be
polite, reasonable,
and cautious (boring)
the result is that
almost no one
listens to the
Luke Warmers.
That's not
good enough,
considering that
Luke Warmer
start off with
great science
What Luke Warmers
seem to forget, and
climate alarmists
never knew, is that
no one can predict
the future climate.
Predictions in the past
50 years have ranged
from 2x to 4x more
warming than
actually happened.
A few scientists even
predicted a coming
global cooling crisis,
in the mid-1970s !
We don't need more
wrong climate change
Because we
already have
325 years
of experience
with actual
global warming,
since the 1690s,
of very roughly
+2 degrees C.
We also have
over 100 years
of experience
with adding CO2
to the atmosphere.
Luke Warmers do not
discuss PAST global
warming, which was real.
They join the climate
alarmists in speculating
about what might happen
in the FUTURE.
The leftist fantasy
is always about
rapid, dangerous
FUTURE warming,
completely unrelated
to slow, harmless
PAST global warming !
There is no
real science
to support
anything more
radical than
a prediction
of mild, harmless
global warming
in the future,
just like we had
in the past.
Actual warming
in the past has
actually been
beneficial, making
our planet warmer than
in the cold centuries
of the Little Ice Age,
and also 'greening'
the planet'.
In fact, the climate now
is the best it has been
for humans and outdoor
animals since the
slightly warmer
Holocene Optimum,
from 9,000 to 5,000
years ago.
The current climate
is even better for plants,
from having more CO2
"plant fertilizer" in the air.
The climate on this
planet does not get
much better than
it is now for humans.
One or two
degrees C. warmer
would be better,
and hopefully
we will get there
in 100 to 200 years.
The next major
climate change,
is most likely
to be a change
that really
matters --
the end of the
current, warm
Then people can
look forward to
80,000 - 90,000 years
of a climate growing
colder, ending with
nearly all of Canada
under a thick ice
glacier again.
After the
ends, I believe
today's global
warming will be
viewed as the
"good old days".
Anyone can speculate
about the future climate,
and many people do .
They speculate
the future climate
will be a "crisis",
and have predicted
that crisis for
many decades !
Starting with
Roger Revelle,
in 1957 !
A climate crisis
that's always
but never
shows up,
should not
be believed !
The warming
of our planet
has been mild,
and the warming
has mainly affected
the high northern
latitudes (Arctic),
mainly during the
coldest six months
of the year, and
mainly at night.
Is it really an
"existential crisis"
because Alaska
is now warmer
than it used to be ?
No, that's good news !
Who has been hurt
by the past 325 years
of global warming ?
No one !
Has any prediction
of doom, from
the various
alarmist groups,
ever been right,
since the first
one I know of --
the DDT scare
in the early
1960's ?
Not one !
I don't have
to play safe,
when talking
about the
leftist climate
I'm not worried
about my job,
or my business.
I've been retired
for 15 years, so
I don't have a job
to "protect".
I want to rock the boat,
because the coming
climate change "crisis"
is the biggest science
fraud in the history
of our planet.
I won't sit quietly
and ignore climate
alarmists who are
demanding to
remake our
United States
for a $93 trillion
(over ten years)
New Green (or)Deal.
A Green (or)Deal
that spends most
of the it's money
on new social
programs, unrelated
to reducing
CO2 emissions !
Sitting quietly,
and doing nothing ,
would make me
just as evil as
leftist climate
Climate alarmists
are seeking
the power
to control
your life,
while falsely
'they are trying
to save the planet
for the children.'
The imaginary, dangerous
global warming they have
been predicting since 1957,
stated with great confidence,
has brainwashed most
Of course leftists always
see bad news coming
in the future, and they
are never happy with
the present, so they
were very susceptible
to a science-denying
climate change religion.
Richard Greene
December 7, 2019
Bingham Farms, Michigan USA