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Saturday, December 7, 2019

President Obama was repeatedly, and easily, conned by China about their efforts to reduce CO2 emissions

President Obama 
told people 
that he convinced 
China to get serious 
about cutting their 
carbon dioxide 

Obama declared 
“we may see this 
as the moment 
that we finally 
decided to save 
our planet.”

President Barack
"gullible" Obama 
was conned by 
the Chinese.

China actually 
promised only to 
“stabilize” CO2 
emissions by 2030, 
while the rest 
of the industrialized 
world spent a fortune
their economies.

Even before 
Obama's boast: 
In late 2015 
people found out 
China had far more 
coal plants than
it had admitted, 
and had been 
emitting a billion 
tons more CO2 
than officially 

CO2 emissions 
for China are still 
not known with 
any accuracy.

China was telling 
Obama it was taking 
bold steps on climate 
change, but was not.

In the past two years, 
China increased 
its energy production 
from coal by nearly 
43 gigawatts, more than 
offsetting the decline 
of coal production 
in the rest of the world.

The coal plants now 
under construction 
in China would produce
the same amount 
of energy as the 
entire current 
capacity of the 
European Union.

The massive spree 
of coal project 
permitting was from
September 2014 
to March 2016, 
the same years 
President Xi was 
promising Obama 
that China was serious 
about global warming.

China is also financing 
coal plants in other countries, 
such as South Africa, 
Pakistan and Bangladesh.