Pacific Ocean waters
off the west coast
of the U.S. have
heated up, fish are
dying off, along with
birds that feed
on those fish.
Scientists are puzzled.
Recently discovered
were 15,000 "holes"
in the ocean floor
off the California coast.
Scientists are puzzled.
The mainstream media
didn't seem to notice,
or doesn't seem to care
-- I'd have expected
many claims that
climate change
is the cause !
There are so few cod
off the coast of Alaska
right now that officials
shut down the federal
cod fishery in Alaska
for the rest of 2019 and
2020 too !
It’s the first time the fishery
has closed due to concerns
of low fish stock.
A stock assessment
this fall put Gulf cod
populations at a
historic low, with
“next to no” new eggs,
according to NOAA
research biologist
Steve Barbeaux,
who authored
the Assessment.
At their current numbers,
cod are below the federal
threshold that protects them
as a food source for
endangered Steller
sea lions.
Once below that line,
the total allowable
catch goes to zero
— in other words,
the fishery shuts down.
Some officials are blaming
the “marine heat wave"
( aka "the Blob" )
for the fish dying.
There is a massive
pool of water that formed
in the Pacific Ocean,
off the Washington coast,
and up into the Gulf of Alaska.
The pool -- some call it "the blob"
-- is roughly “1,000 to 2,000 miles”,
in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Water temperatures are
“as much as 6 degrees
Fahrenheit above normal”,
which is killing fish.
The birds that feed
on those fish are
dropping dead
from starvation.
In November 2019,
thousands of short-tailed
shearwaters birds
migrating from Alaska
were washing up dead
on Sydney’s iconic beaches
and the bird deaths
had nothing to do with
the massive wildfires
in the area.
Thousands more short-tailed
shearwaters were dying
out at sea, in what was
confirmation of the
incredible fish shortages
in the Pacific Ocean.
The birds were migrating
back to southern Australia
to breed after spending
the summer in Alaska.
The birds need to be
at full strength to make
the 14,000km trip
over the Pacific, but
the krill and other fish
they feed on have
apparently dwindled
due to sea temperatures
A higher number
than usual are dying
on the way due to
the lack of food.
Let hope that things
will return to normal
Scientists also found
15,000 holes in the
ocean waters off
the California coast !
Thousands of strange
round holes scooped out
of the ocean floor have been
uncovered along the coast
of California.
Some measure nearly
600 feet across, but
scientists are unsure
of how they formed.
As many as 15,000 holes
have been found during
an underwater survey
by the Monterey Bay
Aquarium Research Institute
“The cause and persistence
of the pockmarks still remains
a mystery, but we find
no evidence they were created
from gas or fluid in the sea floor
in the recent past.
The micro-depressions
are recently formed
erosional features;
they are not
‘incipient pockmarks’.
Overall, a lot more work
needs to be done
to understand how
all these features
were formed,
and this work
is in progress.”
Volcanoes are going off
more often all over the globe.
Earthquake activity
continues to rise --
there have been almost
60,000 earthquakes
of at least magnitude 1.5
around the world over
the last 12 months !
has recorded
59,841 tremors
around the globe
in the 365 days ending
December 9, 2019
( including 4,172 tremors
higher than magnitude 1.5
in the last 30 days
of that 12 month period,
and 895 tremors
in the last 7 days
of the12 months ending
December 9, 2019 ).
These strange events
lack any explanation,
which is typical
of real science.
The official story,
from government
bureaucrats with
science degrees,
is 'move on folks,
everything is
just fine'.
They never say
"we don't know!"
Tell that to the dead
tourists in New Zealand
looking at a volcano !
Meanwhile, many other
government scientists
claim they "know", with
great certainty, what the
planet's climate will be like
in 100 years !
And many people
actually believe them !