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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Green Party in Germany is urging that up to 140 million “climate refugees” should be allowed to migrate to the west, and be given citizenship

There is no way any real science
believer can convince a climate
change cult believer to change
his mind about a coming climate

It would be easier 
to teach my cat to talk,
which I have been working
on for the past five years !

Data, facts and logic 
do not work
on climate alarmists.

They have not worked 
for three decades, since 
climate alarmism 
ramped up in the 
late 1980s.

The government bureaucrat
climate alarmists control 
historical temperature data,
and they keep changing 
"their" historical data 
to create more global 
warming out of thin air.

Climate change 
alarmism is a massive 
propaganda campaign, 
almost as effective
as Hitler's campaign to 
demonize German Jews,
who had been a group 
with above average 
intelligence and 
productivity, and a
well below average
crime rate .

Yet it happened. 

Now there is a new
group of crazy Germans,
so far a minority,
spreading propaganda.

The German Greens !

The establishment’s 
increasingly desperate 
effort to push the 
“climate emergency”, 
is the new global 
warming hysteria.

Most people 
with sense
do not like any
ridiculous climate
related  predictions 
and the related 
policy proposals.

I'd like to think I have
some sense, and felt 
the same way from 1997,
when I first got interested
in climate science reading,
as a hobby, to earlier in

Then I came up with a better
idea for changing minds
about climate change
that I have published here.

My idea was not new,
and has a name in 
psychology, which 
I have long forgotten.

Forget logic and

The only logical way
to oppose climate
alarmism, is not
a logical, scientific 

Climate alarmists 
did NOT get talked
INTO their beliefs 
with data, logic
and real science,
so they will not 
get talked OUT OF
their beliefs with 
data, logic and 
real science !

What we real science
believers should do
is to encourage the 
climate junk science
believers to become
even more radical
-- so radical that
middle of the road 
begin to see them as 
the anti-science 
religious cult that
they have always been.

Fortunately, in 2018,
they started moving
in that direction 
on their own !

The Green New (or)Deal !
The 12 years left claim !
"Thundering "Thunberg !

We have to encourage
the greens to become 
even more radical ! 

It's already pretty radical
for the 'greens" to believe
a high school dropout, with 
more than one mental disease
-- Greta "thundering" Thunberg,
and consider her to be
their poster child !

German greens are proposing 
that Germany (the whole EU, 
I suppose), needs to be ready 
to absorb tens of millions 
more migrants.

People trying to escape 
climate change 
( it might get a few tenth's 
of a degree C. warmer in the 
next few decades, which will
OBVIOUSLY  cause millions
of people to flee their nations ) !

So the EU should have
open borders for people 
claiming to be escaping 
from "climate change"?

99.9% of those people will
be lying, but never mind
that for now.

Wait a minute !

Open borders ?

That's NOT going 
to win support 
for climate alarmists,
so we "skeptics" should 
ENCOURAGE the policy !

In the past, 
the former director 
of Germany’s foreign 
intelligence service, 
accused Angela Merkel 
of creating 
a “security crisis” 
in Germany 
as a result of 
her open border 
refugee policy.

Violent crime in Germany 
rose by 10% between 2015 
and 2016, when the country 
began accepting large 
numbers of migrants, 
many of them young men. 

More than 90% of the 
violent crime rise was 
attributable to young 
male “refugees.”

Germany also suffered 
a mass molestation of women 
in Cologne on New Year’s Eve 
in 2015,  attacks almost 
exclusively by migrant men.

The German 'green' party 
cites the World Bank’s 
estimate that there 
could be as many as 
        140 million
 “climate refugees” 
flooding into the west 
from Africa, South Asia, 
and South America 
by the year 2050.

My own "estimate"
is 140 people, 
not 140 million.

Greenhouse gasses
have little effect on 
warm humid areas.

They should cause 
the most warming 
in places 
that are cold
and dry, where 
any warming
is good news.

Such as 
the Arctic, 
since 1975.

Political leaders
like Claudia Roth 
are claiming that 
island states in the 
Pacific could 
“completely disappear” 
and that entire population 
groups should be allowed 
to re-locate to the west 
as a result.

That nonsense 
is claimed
in every decade.

I challenge readers
to Google 
"The Maldives"
and prepare to be 
astounded by 
the HUGE capital
on the first 
batch of islands 
claimed to be 
to rising seas 
from global 
warming, a few

“Citizenship in the 
receiving country 
can be an option,” 
for people existentially 
threatened by global 
warming, said Roth.

Other parties in Germany 
expressed opposition, 
noting that 
“climate refugees” 
would increase 
migratory pressure 

Germany should 
“not function as Noah’s 
ark for the whole world,” 
remarked FDP general 
secretary Linda Teuteberg.

Many German voters 
expressed their opposition 
to mass immigration 
by voting in large numbers 
for the right-wing AfD party.