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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Real Scientific Method vs. Climate Alarmist Junk Science

The UN's IPCC 
has claimed,
since 1988, 
that dangerous 
global warming 
will result from 
man made 
CO2 emissions.

Contradicting the
scientific method, 
the UN's IPCC 
merely assumes 
its climate claims
are correct.

Then the IPCC collects
ONLY the evidence 
in favor of their assumed 
to be correct hypothesis.

IPCC’s reports are huge, 
but that doesn't make
them good science. 

Real science 
-- one that can be 
proven wrong.

That does not 
exist in 

An alternative 
null hypothesis 
must be considered 

For climate change, 
the null hypothesis is that 
currently observed changes 
in global climate, and the 
physical environment, 
are the result of 
natural variations. 

Proving this 
null hypothesis 
wrong requires 
direct evidence 
that humans 
caused specific 
climate changes 
that could NOT 
be caused by 
natural variations. 

Without that evidence, 
the null hypothesis is 
assumed to be correct.

Science does not advance 
by consensus (popular vote),
or loud scary, always 
wrong predictions.

It advances by individual 
scientists proposing testable 
hypotheses, and making 
their data available to other 
unbiased researchers,
who see if they arrive 
at similar conclusions. 

In real science, 
is common, 
and consensus 
is the exception.

In real science, 
what is accepted 
as true today 
will likely not 
be accepted 
as true

Albert Einstein said, 
“No amount 
of experimentation 
can ever prove me right; 
a single experiment 
can prove me wrong” 
(Einstein, 1996).

Contradicting the scientific 
method, the IPCC assumes 
its hypothesis is correct, and 
their only duty is to data mine
for evidence they were right 
all along.

The United Nations 
directions for IPCC 
defined climate change as: 
“a change of climate which is 
attributed directly or indirectly 
to human activity that alters 
the composition of the global 
atmosphere and which is 
in addition to natural climate
variability observed over 
comparable time periods” 
(United Nations, 1994, Article 1.2). 

They were told to prove 
man made climate change, 
so that is all the IPCC 
trys to do.

And never mind the 4.5 billion
years of natural climate change
before 1975 !

By ignoring 
natural climate 
and merely 
they are 
too small
to matter,
the IPCC
fails to 
a thorough 
analysis of 
climate change.