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Monday, December 9, 2019

Al Gore's 2006 Climate Predictions Were Consistent -- Consistently Wrong

This article is "recycled"
from August 2018,
with minor revisions,

Al Gore is mainly
a failed politician.

A very rich 
failed politician !

Mr. Gore once claimed 
he invented the internet,
then revised that claim 
to financing the internet,
then revised that claim
to casting his vote
for legislation that 
financed the first
small prototype 
of the internet.

Mr. Gore later decided 
that he was 
a climate scientist !

Al did take two elementary
science classes in college
... but couldn't manage to get
an A or B in either of them !

Al got a grade of “D” 
in Natural Sciences 6 
(“Man’s Place in Nature”), 
and a grade of “C+”
in Natural Sciences 118, 
as reported in 2000, by 
The Washington Post 

Al Gore released his film 
“An Inconvenient Truth” 
in 2006. 

Have Mr. Gore’s scary 
climate change predictions 
come true?

Gore claimed 
Mount Kilimanjaro, 
Africa’s tallest peak, 
would be snow-free
“within the decade.” 

Didn't happen !

13 years later, 
there’s still snow 
on Kilimanjaro 
all year. 

Gore claimed temperature rises 
from increases in man-made 
carbon dioxide emissions were 
going to be “uninterrupted and

Didn't happen !

Unknown to Gore, 
the year before
his film was released 
in 2006, the average 
global temperature
began a flat trend,
from 2005 to mid-2015,
sometimes called 
"the pause".

The flat trend lasted 
until the late 2015
El NiƱo heat release 
from the Pacific Ocean.

An El Nino is a natural, 
cyclical, local event
 -- not man made, and 
not related to CO2.

Gore predicted that 
storms would become 
more frequent 
and more intense 
as man-made emissions 
warmed the oceans.

Didn't happen !

Example A:
In the US, 
not one strong 
category 3, 4 or 5 
hit the mainland 
from 2005 to 2017
 -- a record 12-year 
hurricane-free span.

Example B:
The global 
Energy (ACE)
also showed 
no rising trend.

Gore claimed in 2006 
that there would be 
no summer Arctic ice 
in a decade.

Didn't happen !

Wrong again Al !