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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Terrifying Our Children About Climate Change is Psychological Abuse

and psychiatrists 
have noticed 
young people 
of anxiety, 
and even guilt,
climate change. 

Children are 
becoming ill 
with anxiety, 
so many adults, 
who should 
know better, 
are telling them 
'the end is coming'.

Most teachers 
are leftists.

Most college 
are leftists too. 

Most young people 
fall for everything 
that leftist "teachers"
claim about the 
future climate.

They seem unable 
to observe the climate
they actually live in.

They trust government
bureaucrat "scientists".

They trust scary
predictions of the
future climate.

They trust 
even after 
over 45 years
of wrong climate 
predictions ... that 
leftists will NEVER
admit to ... and the 
leftists media 
completely ignores.

Leftist teachers,
who quote the
could not 
care less that 
past warming 
have ranged 
from 2x to 4x 
of the actual 
global warming.

In schools 
and colleges,
learning has been 
replaced by leftist 

are taught 
what to think,
not how to think.

are taught
that leftists
are good people,
and always right,
( while others
are bad people,
or just ignorant
people, who are  
always wrong ).

(1) + (2) = child mental abuse !

Meanwhile, most real 
environmental issues, 
particularly serious
in Asia, which are 
unrelated to CO2, 
( real air, water 
and soil pollution ) 
get little attention.

The results of the 
climate change 
crisis propaganda 
( scary predictions 
of the future climate )
are not surprising.

Leftists, in general, 
are very susceptible 
to predictions of doom
from leftist professors, 
and other leftists 
with advanced 
science degrees.

They are very 
susceptible to the 
appeal to authority
logical fallacy.

Leftist children 
are most susceptible,
especially girls.

One well known 
false prediction 
is from "wingnuts" 
of the Extinction 
Rebellion (XR) group: 
‘Scientists say we have 
only 12 years to act’ 
( I suppose in 2020, we are 
now down to 11 years? ).

Their claim is based on
computer game junk
science, not real science.

Some ER protestors 
have glued themselves 
to roads and buildings
during protests.

I wish they would 
glue themselves 
to each other !

They sometimes
wear scary masks,
and manage to scare 
some children
into  wondering why 
they had to be born 
at this dangerous time.

Teenage high school 
dropout Greta Thunberg 
preaches her 'gospel 
of imminent doom 
in 12 years too, 
blamed entirely 
on those adults
who are alive today,
not acting fast enough,
according to famous 
"perfesser" Thunberg.

Politicians pretend 
the angry Swedish 
teenager understands
real climate science 
( we’re all going to die ! ) 
and her "solution" 
( destroying free
market capitalism ! ) 
is a reasonable one.

Natural disasters, 
such as the recent 
fires in Australia, 
are presented 
to children 
as though 
they never 

are told that
every natural
is evidence 
of a climate 

That's not true,
but the children,
and many adults,
believe what they
are told to believe !