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Monday, February 10, 2020

A new German citizens protest group was founded -- Six days later they had 300 fierce protestors vs. 13 proposed 250 meter tall wind turbines

Building new 
"wind parks" 
in Germany 
has become 
a hot topic. 

Wind energy 
has become 
in Germany, 
leading to 
bitter divisions
in once peaceful 
especially in 
rural areas.

The Huge Protest in Odenwald
In the Odenwald/Rothenberg 
region, a planned additional 
wind farm of 13 turbines, 
each a huge 250 meters tall, 
on the ridge between 
Rothenberg and Beerfelden 
was met with 
a fierce protest from 
300 demonstrators,
of the proNatur 
citizens protest group, 
that had been founded 
just six days earlier !

According to 
the regional 
online website 
“It was a strong appearance 
of the young Rothenberg 
citizens’ initiative proNatur, 
with support from many parts 
of the Odenwald".

Irmgard Neuer, 
of the citizens’
initiative said: 
“A good 300 people 
of all age groups 
had gathered at the 
gymnasium in Rothenberg 
with banners, drums, 
whistles and warning vests 
to loudly oppose the 
planned additional 
wind farm of enormous 
dimensions in the region.”

Leader Vera Krug ,
of Siedelsbrunn, 
admonished her 
fellow protesters 
“not to let up and to inform 
all fellow citizens about 
the negative effects 
of the industrialization 
of nature”.

“No destruction of nature 
ever has a positive effect 
on the climate”, 
Vera Krug stated. reports: 
" ... everyone agreed
that the destruction 
of nature by wind 
industry plants should 
not be allowed 
either in the Odenwald 
or in any other forest’.”

The Butzbach, Germany 
Wind Protest Victory
German environmental 
protection group 

An approval for 
three wind turbines 
in the Butzbach 
municipal forest, 
granted by the 
Giessen Regional 
on October 12,
 2018, has been 
deemed illegal.

According to 
their press release:
"After the discussion 
meeting on 
22 January 2020, 
the administrative 
court revoked t
he permit on 
28 January 2020. 

The environmental 
Naturschutzinitiative e.V.
(NI) had taken 
legal action against 
the State of Hesse 
primarily because 
in its opinion
the permit violates 
European law. 

For example, 
exceptions to the ban 
on killing wasp and 
buzzard were permitted,
which are not compatible 
with the European 
Birds Directive.”