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Monday, February 3, 2020

I apologize for calling Greta Thunberg a "trained parrot" of climate alarmism -- that was an insult to trained parrots !


The always angry 
17-year-old girl,
and high school
dropout, scolds adults
about climate change
for a good living.

Her abrasive, 
and very tedious,
lectures are 
doing a lot
to turn off the 
general public 
from climate 
change alarmism.

"Thundering" Thunberg
knows almost nothing
about real climate 

I previously called her 
a "trained parrot"
of climate alarmism.

I now must apologize
for insulting parrots !

Because I now realize
Thunberg's published 
statements, from the 
World Economic Forum 
in Davos, show that
she is an
trained parrot 
of climate

A 2018 IPCC report 
claims we have only 
a few years left to act, 
for a 67% chance 
of keeping the global 
average temperature 
rise, from now on, 
to below +0.5 C.

That just happens
to be a computer 
game speculation.

The IPCC's very
rough guess 
is that Earth
has already had 
+1.0 degrees C.
of global warming, 
from 1880 to 2018.

Note that 1880 to 1920 
included very few
Southern Hemisphere
temperatures, and 
in the Northern 
Hemisphere, only 
the U.S. and Europe
had sufficient 
coverage ...
and, in addition,
1800s thermometers
tended to read low.

The very poor data 
quality before 1920
may mean half,
or more, of the 
claimed global
warming since 1880, 
was caused by sparse, 
non-global data,
that are certainly 
not worthy of 
real science.

IPCC is a master
at making wrong 
climate predictions,
but +0.5 degres C.
is what they say.

Thunberg says
+1.5 C., not +0.5 C.,
probably because
+1.5 C. sounds 
scarier than +0.5 C.

Thunberg also says 
this is “not an opinion”, 
it is science.

That's not true --
the IPCC provides 
ONLY opinions, 
based on computer
game speculation,
and has grossly 
global warming 
for the past 
32 years !

Thunberg claims 
another +0.5 C.
of global warming
( a total of +1.5 C. since 1880 )
will cause 
a climate crisis,
that she colorfully
as a:
"chain reaction 
of unravelling 

doesn't make 
that claim.

I have never 
even read 
that phrase
before Greta
Thunberg used it.

The 2018 IPCC report 
actually addressed 
this question:
“What is 
the difference 
between +1.5 C.
of total warming, 
and +2.0 C .?” 

The Paris Accord 
includes a +2.0 C.
global average
temperature target, 
with the count
starting in 1880.

The IPCC report 
only concludes
that +1.5 C. is better
than +2.0 C., but the 
difference is small. 

These "targets 
are all nonsense,
of course -- 
because our planet
has already warmed 
by at least +2.0 C. 
since the cold 1690s,
with no harm at all.

Greta Thunberg, 
and her followers,
call for rebuilding 
the global energy
system ( and 
much more ).

All this 
to limit the 
future global 
warming to 
+0.5 C. !

That's crazy.

If you really
believed in 
halting growth 
of all CO2 
in the future, 
you should focus 
on China and India.

Thunberg ignores 
China and India !

Maybe she is
being careful 
to avoid
a public defeat, 
by not attacking 
two big nations 
who could not 
care less about 
her "demands" ?

Now Thunberg says
she wants trademarks
to avoid impostors making 
money by using her name.

"Unfortunately there are 
still people who are 
trying to impersonate me 
or falsely claim that they 
"represent" me in order to 
communicate with 
high profile people, 
politicians, media, 
artists etc."

"My name and the 
movement are 
being used for 
commercial purposes 
without any consent 

It happens 
for instance 
in marketing, 
of products, 
and people 
collecting money 
in my and the 

The foundation’s aim 
will be to promote 
ecological, climatic 
and social sustainability
as well as mental health.

 "Mental health" ?

Perhaps the foundation
should focus entirely
on Greta Thunberg's 
mental health ?