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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Australians install renewables faster than any other nation, but CO2 emissions remain steady

Australians are 
installing renewable 
energy, per capita, 
faster than any other
place on Earth.

At least until 2020, 
when the subsidies ran out.

But CO2 emissions 
have remained steady.

Australia’s domestic 
CO2 emissions 
are only 1.3% 
of the global total, 

After adding many 
wind farms and 
solar panels, 
the electric power 
generation sector 
decreased CO2 
emissions by only 1.2% 
from the year before.

The electricity sector 
is Australia’s largest 
single source of CO2 

Some gains 
in the last decade 
have come from 
efficiency, not from 
adding renewables.

Renewables have made 
electricity so expensive 
that people tend to use 
their air conditioners less.

The government 
seems happy 
with the 2% decline
in electricity CO2
emissions from 
September 2018 to 
September 2019.

Maybe because 
are emitting 
40% less CO2 
per capita 
than 30 years ago.

But ... Australia has a 
fast growing population.

+49% population 
growth in 30 years.

Australia’s population
 grew from 17.0 million 
to around 25.4 million, 
up +48.8% from 1989-90 
to June 2019, 

Maybe the best way
to keep Australian 
CO2 emissions down 
is to cut immigration ?