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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Canada Temperatures Steady For The Past 25 Years !

There is little science 
behind global warming 

Lab experiments suggest 
more CO2 in the air 
should cause mild, 
harmless global warming.

Experiments also show 
that water vapor is the 
primary greenhouse gas, 
and its expected warming 
effect somewhat overlaps 
the expected warming effect 
from CO2.

As a result, the warming effect
from CO2 should be strongest 
at latitudes where the climate 
is cold and dry. 

The Arctic has had 
lots of warming since 1975, 
which was expected.

But Antarctica has had 
almost no warming 
since 1975-- something 
that was not expected.

Canada could 
be described 
as a cool, dry 

So you'd expect 
a large effect from 
more CO2 in the air.

Using Japan Meteorological 
Agency (JMA) mean 
temperatures for Canada: 

Examined are 
nine stations that have 
almost complete data 
going back to 1983.

The unexpected results:

In the chart below, 
JMA data for mean 
annual temperatures 
show no significant 
warming since 1994, 
at the nine stations: