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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Countries with Malaria have few COVID 19-cases

Source: Blog of Roy Spencer, PhD

Several countries found 
that anti-malarial drugs, 
especially chloroquine, 
reduce COVID-19 
symptoms, and may
prevent infections.

Data below are based
on the total number 
of COVID-19 cases,
and malaria cases, 
as of March 17, 2020,
from World Health 
Organization data.

COVID-19 incidence 
is the number per million 
total population, while 
the malaria incidence
is reported per 1,000 
“population at risk”.

No malaria data 
are available 
for countries 
where malaria 
has been 
and there were 
many countries where 
no COVID-19 cases 
had been reported, 
as of Match 17, 2020.

as of March 17:
The Countries
with malaria 
have virtually 
no COVID-19 cases, 
and those countries 
that have many 
COVID-19 cases 
have little or no 

Top 40 Malaria countries:
212.24 malaria per thousand 
= 0.2 COVID-19 cases per million

Next 40 Malaria countries:
7.30 malaria per thousand 
= 10.1 COVID-19 cases per million

Remaining 154 (non-)Malaria countries:
0.00 malaria per thousand 
= 68.7 COVID-19 cases per million