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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Kannojiya et al. (2019) -- Rising CO2 levels offset negative effects of higher temperatures and weeds

Kannojiya, S., Singh, S.D., 
Prasad, S., Kumar, S., 
Malav, L.C. and 
Kumar, V. 


Effect of elevated 
temperature and 
carbon dioxide 
on wheat 
( Triticum aestivum ) 
with and without 
weed interaction. 

Indian Journal of 
Agricultural Sciences 89: 

Kannojiya et al. (2019), say:
"many reports 
are indicating 
that rising 
carbon dioxide 
concentration and 
projected changes 
in climate could 
favor the growth and
development of 
weeds over crops," 
which they say could 
"have negative 
for agricultural 

The six Indian researchers 
devised an experiment 
to examine the interactive 
effects of CO2 and temperature 
in the presence or absence 
of weeds.

The study was performed at the
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research 
Institute in New Delhi, India. 

Wheat plants 
(Triticum aestivum, cv. HD 2967) 
were sown in the field 
in temperature gradient 
tunnels that maintained 
the air temperature
at either ambient temperature
ambient temperature 
plus 1.5°C, 
or ambient temperature 
plus 3.0°C. 

CO2 concentrations 
were sustained at either 
400 ppm (ambient) or 
550 ppm (elevated)
throughout the duration 
of the growing season. 

Kannojiya et al. 
sowed two weeds 
(Phalaris minor and 
Chenopodium murale) 
at the beginning of 
the growing season 
in half of each 
temperature and 
CO2 treatment 

The impact of these three
factors (CO2, temperature 
and weed presence 
or absence) on wheat 
grain yield is illustrated 
in the figure below.

Rising temperatures 
and the presence of weeds 
both had a negative impact 
on wheat grain yield. 

Elevated CO2 had 
a positive effect. 

In most cases 
elevated CO2
offset the 
two stresses and 
enabled grain yields 
that were similar to 
or greater than that 
observed under 
ambient CO2, 
ambient temperature 
and no weeds present. 

As shown in the chart:
Grain yield 
of wheat plants 
grown under 
combinations of 
atmospheric CO2, 
temperature and 
weeds or no weeds. 

ACO2 = ambient CO2  
        (400 ppm), 

ECO2 = elevated CO2

Ta = ambient temperature. 

The percentages shown 
in red text indicate the 
improvement of grain yield 
due to elevated CO2 
at a given temperature 
and weed regime.