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Sunday, March 22, 2020

The science of harmless methane emissions

Water vapor and clouds 
almost totally dominate 
the greenhouse gas impact 
on Earth’s temperature. 

Methane emissions 
have a negligible impact.

There is no logical reason 
for methane regulations.

Our planet cools 
by emitting infrared 
radiation into space.

That process 
is constant, 
but is easiest for 
people to notice 
at night.

Some of the 
infrared energy 
is absorbed and
quickly re-radiated 
by greenhouse gasses, 
back toward the earth,
in a process called 
back radiation. 

Greenhouse gas 
molecules in the 
keep the planet 
warmer than 
it would 
otherwise be.

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) 
are actually a small fraction
of the atmosphere, and H2O 
is by far the most important
greenhouse gas.

The greenhouse effect 
has been obscured 
with lab experiments 
that use  “dry air” 
as the gas. 

Climate models 
use the same 

But dry air does not 
exist in nature
-- it must be created 
in the laboratory with
special equipment. 

Climate modelers 
also start with dry air, 
and then introduce H2O 
as a “feedback” effect,
tripling the warming they
expect from CO2 alone. 

There is no evidence
that "tripling" actually
happens in real life.

The resulting global average 
temperature forecasts made 
using the models, are for 
global warming two to three
times the actual warming.

Methane inside laboratory 
equipment, using artificially 
dried air, is not the same 
as methane located 
in the atmosphere.

In the U.S., regulation 
of methane emissions 
is being debated. 

But the GHG 
of methane 
is negligible.

Water vapor and clouds 
are primarily responsible 
for the greenhouse gas 

In the atmosphere,
the methane (CH4) 
absorbs and reradiates 
the same wavelengths 
of infrared energy 
as water vapor (H2O).

And there's little energy 
in the "CH4 region" 
of the infrared wavelength
spectrum (7.65 microns) 
to begin with.

The infrared radiation 
wavelengths emanating 
from Earth are centered 
around 15 microns, 
and spread from about 
9 microns to 30 microns

Also, the CH4 concentration 
is only 1.8 parts per million, 
while H2O is about 
15,000 parts per million. 

H2O’s impact
everything else 
for the entire 
“greenhouse gas”

Chemistry lab experiments,
using artificially dried air, 
do not duplicate Earth’s 
actual atmosphere --
real air, which contains 
lots of H20.

Methane Is 
far lighter 
than air.

So CH4 drifts 
from Earth's surface 
(where its origin 
is termites, wetlands, 
rice paddies, and 
just a little comes
from human and 
animal activities.) 
up through the 
into the

There, it is soon 
oxidized to H2O 
and CO2, and that 
chemical reaction 
dispenses of the CH4,
after it had only 
a tiny impact on 
Earth’s temperature.