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Monday, March 2, 2020

NOAA wild guesses over 40% of US weather station "temperatures"

Even worse,
424 of the 1,218
     ( 34.8% )
US Historical 
Climate Network
    ( USHCN )
weather stations 
had wild guessed 
data for 
all 12 months 
in 2019. meaning
they are "zombie"
weather stations !

For these "zombie"
U.S. NOAA weather 
It's interesting that 
the wild guessed
raw temperature
data averaged
about 64 degrees F.
( pink dot on chart below ),
which is more than
+ 2 degrees F. warmer 
than stations with 
actual temperature 
( green dot on chart delow ):

 of course,
NOAA will tell 
the general public 
they feel like 
about the U.S.

Their "adjusted" 
maximum daily 
will ALWAYS 
show an uptrend, 
while the raw data
show a down trend 
( no US warming ).

And nothing 
you or I can do
will change that.

But there are UAH 
satellite temperature data,
measured in the troposphere,
where greenhouse warming 
occurs, as an alternative
to the NOAA ( and NASA )
surface measurements &
wild guesses that are often
mistaken as real science !

And UAH shows less
global warming than
NOAA ( or NASA ), 
so UAH data are 
completely ignored
by climate alarmists.