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Sunday, March 22, 2020

There is no climate change debate because the climate alarmists would lose

Forecasts of 
climate catastrophe 
began in the late 1950s, 
and ramped up a lot 
in the late 1980s.

The “expert” 
have failed 
to materialize 
for many decades.

Few people hear 
both sides of the
"climate debate". 

Dissent against 
the prevailing view, 
that man made 
CO2 emissions drive
 “climate change”, 
is off-limits 
for almost all of 
the mainstream media.

The Los Angeles Times 
proudly declared 
it would no longer 
accept any letters 
to the editor 
that challenged 
man made 
climate change.

Climate alarmists 
control the narrative, 
so they are virtually
even when they 
are dishonest, 
which is common. 

They claim the 
science is “settled”, 
when no science 
is ever settled.

They claim 97% 
of scientists believe 
humans are the 
primary cause 
of global warming, 
using bogus surveys 
that do not come 
anywhere close to 97%.

One climate change survey 
had thousands of responses, 
but their "97%" was based 
on fewer than 100 
of the responses !

In fact, there is a
no consensus 
among scientists.

The claim of a
97% consensus is 
one of the greatest 
items of misinformation 
that has been circulated 
about climate science/

Another especially 
clever persuasion trick 
is to attribute every
unusual weather event to 
man made climate change. 

"Climate change" 
is blamed for stronger
 tornadoes ... and 
weaker tornadoes, 
shrinking sea ice 
and growing sea ice, 
violent hurricane 
seasons and quiet 
hurricane seasons, 
faster winds,
cold waves and 
heat waves. 

Google "climate change" 
to see how one-sided 
the leading links are. 

We see links to politicians 
with no scientific training, 
and a strange Swedish teenager
 -- a high school dropout 
manipulated by her elders.

The main threat 
to climate hysteria 
is a review of past, 
always wrong, 
climate predictions.

Any scary 
climate prediction
blaming humans 
gets published, 
without questions, 
but past, wrong 
predictions are
never mentioned.

We only have 
four decades 
of near global 
temperature data, 
using satellites. 

Surface measurements 
do not come close 
to having sufficient
global coverage.

Assuming Earth 
is about four billion 
years old, 
even the
four decades 
of satellite data 
represent only 
one-millionth of 1% 
of geologic time. 

That's comparable to
about three tenths 
of a second 
out of an entire year. 

Drawing important 
conclusions about 
Earth’s climate 
from such a brief 
time period is not 
real science!

There have been 
periods of history 
that have been 
far warmer,
and far colder,
than today.

Yet leftists 
of the world 
are hysterical over 
one half degree C. 
of warming since 1975 !