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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Trump’s EPA Weakens Rule Banning "Secret Science" -- Obama-Era EPA Officials Still Not Happy.

After three years, 
the Trump EPA 
still considers 
carbon dioxide, 
the staff of life 
on our planet, 
to be a pollutant !  

That anti-science 
position has not 
even been challenged. 

And our president 
has not bothered 
to educate himself 
sufficiently to speak 
intelligently about 
climate science 
for even one minute !

The Environmental 
Protection Agency 
        ( EPA ) 
created a rule to keep 
"secret science" 
out of the regulatory 
crafting process.

Obama-era officials 
in the EPA were furious.

Which implies
the rule made sense 
-- it was pro-science 
to restrict the EPA 
from using research 
that was not 
publicly available. 

Recently, the rule was 
significantly weakened.

The EPA must now 
only give preference 
to studies 
with public data, 
but can 
also use "research" 
with secret data, 
hidden from view.

In 2018, 
former EPA Chief 
Scott Pruitt proposed 
reversing the practice 
of relying on 
secretive data 
in crafting EPA rules. 

“Secret Science”
has been used 
to support billions 
of dollars worth of 

EPA Administrator 
Andrew Wheeler 
said in March 2019 
that he intended 
on moving forward 
on the proposal, 
after replacing Pruitt.

“Other things being equal, 
the agency will give 
greater consideration 
to studies where 
the underlying data 
and models are available 
in a manner sufficient for 
independent validation,” 
the EPA wrote 
in the new proposal. 

Wheeler addressed 
the changes:
“These additions 
and clarifications 
to the proposed rule 
will ensure 
that the science 
supporting the agency’s 
decisions is transparent 
and available for 
while still 
maintaining protection 
of confidential and 
personally identifiable 
he said.

EPA officials 
say the revision 
is just as bad as 
the original proposal.

Now is not the time 
to play games with 
critical medical research 
that underpins every rule 
designed to protect us 
from harmful pollution 
in our air and in our water,” 
said Gina McCarthy, 
a former EPA chief 
during the Obama 

"Secret Science" 
includes studies 
that rely on private 
medical information 
-- anonymous data 
from private citizens, 
to conduct research 
into topics such as 
chemical exposure.

I strongly believe 
there is no logical reason 
to have any public policies 
supported by scientific data 
that can never be verified.

This is yet another example 
of the Trump Administration's 
failure to control the EPA,
who too often base regulations 
on junk science, or real science 
that can never be double-checked.