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Sunday, April 5, 2020

COVID-19 (real crisis) vs. Climate Change (imaginary crisis)

There's a
flu pandemic
every winter.

Few people notice.

Typically 300 to 600
million people get the flu,
and 300,000 to 600,000
die from it every year,
on our planet,
( mainly from October 
through March in the 
Northern Hemisphere ).

The 2017 / 2018 
U.S. "flu season", 
from October 1, 2017,
through March 2018,
had a roughly estimated
45,000,000 infected,
and 61,000 died. 

It was a worse 
than usual U.S. 
flu season, for 
ordinary strains
of flu viruses.

Did the mass media 
ever report that 
bad flu season ?

has extended the
"flu season" this year,
with a new virus that
is mild, or has no 
obvious symptoms,
for about 80% 
of those infected, 
making it very easy 
to spread.

For about 20% of those
infected, the symptoms
are not mild, and about 
one percent of all people
with infections will die.

There are premature 
deaths that the many
ordinary flu strains
would not have caused.

And a much greater need
for hospitalization than 
ordinary flu strains.

Some hospitals are 
so overcrowded with 
COVID-19 patients, 
that service can't be
as good as usual.

The negative
economic effects 
alone have already
caused the pandemic 
to disrupt many lives,
and it is certainly
not over !

Governments have tried
to shut down entire cities, 
ban travel, and isolate 

Those actions
cause an 
"Instant Recession"
for every week 
lots of people 
are forced to be 

I find it hard to believe
many leftists consider 
global warming to be 
a similar existential 

They see governments
shut down workplaces, 
and restrict movements,
to fight COVID-19.

They believe
would be justified 
to take equally
drastic steps
to reduce CO2

That's not what 
I learned from 

Computer game 
predictions of 
future flu deaths, or 
future anything else,
are nearly worthless,

Fast public buy-in 
to collective actions
require strong
evidence of the 
need for such actions.

Hong Kong 
for one example, 
had suffered 
during the first 
SARS epidemic,
( COVID-19 is 
the SARS 2 virus ),
so they voluntarily
canceled gatherings, 
and practiced social 
distancing, BEFORE 
the government 
ordered such actions.

A real crisis,
such as COVID-19,
is obvious from the
media photographs 
and death counts,
so the general public 
will allow governments
to seize great powers,
for the common good. 

An imaginary crisis,
such as the coming
global warming crisis
( aka  "climate change" )
is very different:
  There have been 
no deaths, and 
no evidence anyone
has ever been hurt 
by the intermittent 
global warming 
since the 1690's, 
of at least
+ 2 degrees C..

So why would anyone 
with sense consider
tearing down our 
foundation of 
economic growth -- 
the inexpensive,
consistent energy,
mainly from burning 
fossil fuels ?

And replacing those 
dense, inexpensive 
energy sources, 
relatively clean 
with modern 
pollution controls,
with the expensive,
low density sources
of energy -- wind 
and solar power ?