The mysterious
PETM was a sudden
temperature spike
that has puzzled
climate scientists
since its discovery
in the early 1990s.
The PETM saw
temperatures rise
by around +5˚C.
over thousands
of years.
( Wikipedia says
+6 degrees C.
over 20,000 years )
National Geographic
had this to say
about the PETM,
a few years ago:
“During the dawn of the
“Age of Mammals”,
56 million years ago,
the global temperature
rapidly stabbed upwards.
In about 100,000 years,
temperatures rose over
+40 degrees Fahrenheit.”
That temperature surge,
far bigger and longer
than the IPCC’s
scenario for 2100,
saw a proliferation
of new life !
That catastrophic
event created
a land bridge
from Greenland
to Scotland, and
caused warming
over thousands
of years, did not make
Earth less habitable.
Journalists are now
claiming that scientists
say the PETM was
“the best analog we have
to the climate change
that is happening today”
since a comet supposedly
smacked into the Earth
and, what do you suppose,
... In the blink of an eye,
geologically speaking,
thousands of gigatons
of carbon were released
into the atmosphere."
Quanta Magazine claims
that all scientific doubt
has been removed about
the massive PETM
global warming.
They claim
a huge plume
of lava 60 million
years ago, bursting
from the seabed,
reshaped the
heated up
the atmosphere,
and the oceans,
and caused the
Thermal Maximum
( PETM ).
Which allegedly has
“parallels to today’s
climate change” .
How is the PETM
similar to today's
climate change
when it took
thousands of years,
was NOT man-made,
and did NOT cause
mass extinctions !