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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Electric Vehicles are for Losers !

Electric vehicles:

-- Are more 
even though 
they are heavily 
subsidized by 
the taxpayers, 
( and most owners 
are relatively wealthy
virtue signalers ! )

-- Require more energy 
to manufacture 
(especially the batteries)

One International Energy 
Agency study says you 
have to drive an electric car 
at least 60,000 km to justify
the higher carbon cost 
of manufacture.

“Clean” electricity is mainly 
generated by fossil fuels,

Here in the Detroit, Michigan
suburbs, DTE energy uses 
about 64% coal to generate
the electrtcity that our
neighbors use to charge
their Tesla electric cars !

The average 
U.S. use of coal
to generate electricity
is about half 
of that 64%,
but let's not forget
electric vehicles 
are partially 
"coal burners"
in most locations.

One US study shows 
the richest quarter 
of people receive 
almost all of the 
taxpayer's money
spent on electric 
vehicle subsidies.

Nine out of ten 
U.S. households 
that own an 
electric vehicle  
also have 
a conventional 
internal combustion 
engine car or truck.

U.S. electric cars 
are driven 
fewer kilometres, 
on average each year, 
than conventional vehicles: 
11,200km, compared with 
16,400km for gasoline and 
diesel-powered vehicles.