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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Fighting Epidemics -- Lessons learned from the polio virus are being ignored

For COVID-19, the "right"
answers are not simple,
and what seems smart 
today, may turn out to 
be counter-productive.

The computer models
have also been way off, 
even worse than 
the climate models !

For the severely afflicted, 
a polio infection required
an iron lung for children
to breathe. 

The polio virus had been
around for a long time --
maybe thousands of years.

Dr. Krause, from the 
National Institute of Health, 
published this in 1992: 
“There are numerous examples 
of old viruses, that have caused 
new epidemics, as a consequence 
of changes in human practices 
and social behavior. 

Epidemic poliomyelitis emerged 
in the first half of this century, 
when modern sanitation 
delayed exposure of the virus 
until adolescence or adulthood, 
at which time it produced infection 
in the central nervous system, 
and severe paralysis. 

Before the introduction 
of modern sanitation, 
polio infection was acquired 
during infancy, at which time 
it seldom caused paralysis, 
but provided lifelong immunity 
against subsequent polio
infection and paralysis 
in later life. 

the sanitation 
and hygiene 
that helped prevent 
typhoid epidemics 
in an earlier era, 
fostered the paralytic 
polio epidemic.”

There were 
three strains
of poliovirus 

two types.

Early exposure 
to polio viruses 
provided life-long 

Is sheltering in place 
preventing people 
from becoming naturally
immune to COVID-19 
after being infected 
with a mild strain ?

The larger the population 
of naturally immune people,
the less likely 
another deadly strain 
of COVID-19 will spread
in the future.

Social distancing 
does minimize 
exponential growth 
of a deadly strain.

Social distancing 
also prevents
the exponential 
growth of naturally 
immune people. 

We definitely needed
to minimize the spread 
of COVID-19 to those 
vulnerable older people, 
with other medical problems.

On the other hand,
many people have 
tested positive 
for the COVID-19 virus, 
with no symptoms 
( early data suggest
20% to 40% ).

That suggests 
a mild strain(s) 
of COVID-19 exists,
that could naturally 
impart immunity
to "victims", with 
a very low probability
of them needing 

Mild COVID-19 
reactions are 
primarily seen 
in healthy people 
who are younger
than 50 years old. 

If those 
got COVID-19 
they would be 
less vulnerable
in the future.  

Recently, in the 
New England 
Journal of Medicine, 
Dr, Fauci wrote, 
" If one assumes that the
 number of asymptomatic 
or minimally 
symptomatic cases is 
several times as high 
as the number 
of reported cases, 
the case fatality rate 
may be considerably 
less than 1%. 

This suggests 
the overall clinical 
of Covid-19 
may ultimately be 
more akin to those of a 
severe seasonal influenza 
(which has a 
case fatality rate 
of approximately 0.1%) 
or a pandemic influenza 
( similar to those 
in 1957 and 1968 ), 
rather than a disease 
similar to SARS or MERS, 
which have had case 
fatality rates of 9% to 10%, 
and 36%, respectively."

Dr John Ioannidis, 
a Professor of Medicine, 
of Health Research 
and Policy, and of 
Biomedical Data Science, 
at Stanford University 
School of Medicine, 
wrote an opinion piece 
"A fiasco in the making?" 
about making decisions 
about COVID-19 
without having 
reliable data,
suggesting that
we may be

It will be difficult 
to determine 
the effect of our 
if COVID-19 data 
has misled us, and 
we later find out
the actual death rate 
was close to ordinary 

COVID-19 without symptoms
makes it very easy to spread
the virus, but also very easy
to overestimate the actual 
death rate.

Flu infections 
in the past have
dropped due to 
seasonal warming,
usually after a peak 
in April. 

A typical flu 
seasonal trend
may have a much 
greater effect 
in April and May
than the lockdown. 

But ... 
if the lockdowns
inhibit the spread 
of a natural immunity
( aka "herd immunity" )
in early 2020, 
then we may be 
setting the stage 
for a second wave
of COVID-19 
in Fall 2020 !

As usual, real science
is complicated, with 
lots of unanswered 

Only junk science
( aka "CO2 is evil " )
is simple ... 
and aimed
at simpletons.