Atlantic magazine says
2.2 Million Americans
Will Die From COVID-19
By The End Of
Summer 2020
By the end
of June 2020,
the magazine
claims there will be
15 times as many
COVID-19 patients
as there are beds.
By the end of
the summer 2020,
the COVID-19
will have directly
killed 2.2 million
Americans !
Assuming a
1% fatality rate
( based on the
Diamond Princess
cruise ship, with
3,700 passengers,
700 infected, and
7 deaths ),
the 2.2 million dead
prediction implies
220 million Americans
will be infected
with COVID-19 !
I believe the 2.2 million
is computer game
nonsense, just like the
100 year global average
temperature predictions !
On September 25, 2019,
The Atlantic had declared:
"The Oceans We Know
Won't Survive Climate Change"
On January 15, 2020,
The Atlantic claimed:
"This is Your Life
on Climate Change",
declaring 2019 was
the hottest year
on record,
completely ignoring
that a mere 140 years
of average temperature
statistics do NOT include
(non-global data before 1979)
99.999% of the past 4.5 billion
years of Earth's climate history !