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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Bogdziewicz et al. - 2020 - Oak Forest Resists a Very Long-Term Drought

Bogdziewicz, M., 
Fernández-Martínez, M., 
Espelta, J.M., Ogaya, R. 
and Penuelas, J. 


Is forest fecundity 
resistant to drought?
  Results from 
an 18 year  

New Phytologist 
doi: 10.111/nph.16597.

had no
impact on 
fruit dry mass 
in any of the 
three tree 

and synchrony 
of reproduction 
were also 
not impacted 
by drought. 

This is good news 
for the stability 
of these forests,
if they ever 
experience the 
predictions of 
increasing drought.

Bogdziewicz et al. 
say their study results 
"indicated substantial 
resistance of tree fecundity 
in a Q. ilex dominated 
forest subjected to 
an average 15% 
(median 13%) 
decrease in the 
amount of soil 
   which findings provide 
"growing evidence ... 
that Q. ilex dominated forests 
are resistant to an increase 
in drought to some extent, 
suggesting that these 
ecosystems may adapt 
to a progressive increase 
in arid conditions." 

Bogdziewicz et al. (2020) say
"ecosystem services, 
such as mitigating the risk 
of avalanches, carbon storage, 
habitat availability and value 
for the economy and recreation, 
can suffer if reduced reproduction 
slows forest expansion or limits 
the recruitment of merchantable 
tree species and seed producers t
hat support wildlife." 

Five forest researchers
investigated the impact 
of artificially-induced drought 
on the fecundity of three 
dominant tree species.

All growing in the 
Prades Mountains 
of southern Catalonia 
(northeastern Spain). 

Since 1999, 
an experimental site 
was established 
in a typical 
Holm oak 
(Quercus ilex)
forest that was 
by other 
tree species, 
including Mock privet 
(Phillyrea latifolia) 
Strawberry tree 
(Arbutus unedo). 

A portion of rainwater 
was intercepted on 
various study plots, 
effectively causing 
long-term drought 
that decreased 
soil moisture 
by 10-30% 
over the 
study period.

That allowed 
the researchers 
to examine the effect 
of long-term drought 
on the reproduction 
of the three tree species. 

Figure 1, below: 
Fruit production by
 (a) Quercus ilex, 
(b) Phillyrea latifolia and 
(c) Arbutus unedo 
in the control and 
drought plots. 

The solid lines 
and shaded areas 
are annual means and 
associated standard 
deviations, respectively.