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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Should you buy a used car from a scientist ?

Can you trust a scientist ?

The coming climate change
CRISIS prediction is not based
on science.

Never was.

The prediction started about
50 years ago, and ramped up
a lot after 1988.

In 2018, the predictions 
became hysterical, 
in my unbiased opinion.

Any bad news prediction 
about the future climate 
was published in the 
mainstream media, 
without question.

The media attempted 
no examination of the
past predictions of gloom,
which were 100% wrong.

The claim that adding CO2
to the atmosphere should
cause global warming 
is based on laboratory 

There has been mild,
intermittent global 
warming since the 
late 1600s, but it is 
impossible to be sure
of exactly what caused 
that warming.

It is very unlikely that 
warming had natural causes
until 1975 ... then man made
CO2 suddenly became
the "global average
temperature controller"
... and natural causes of 
climate change suddenly
no longer mattered.

But that's what we are 
told to believe, and called
climate deniers if we
don't believe 4.5 billion
years of natural climate
change suddenly stopped
in 1975, and no longer 
mattered !

We learned from cigarette
manufacturers that 
scientists could be paid
to say cigarettes were safe.

We learned from the
mainstream media
in the mid-1970s
that scientists 
who predicted 
a coming 
climate disaster
would get lot's
of attention.

At that time, 
a small number 
of scientists predicted 
a coming global cooling
climate crisis, and got 
a lot of public attention.

Now lots of scientists 
predict a coming global
warming disaster, 
and they get
lots of attention.

In fact, they must believe
that prediction to get a 
science job funded by 
a state or federal 
and they risk 
the loss of their 
if they publicly state 
what I state here: 
      -- The truth --
Today's climate is the best
it has been in hundreds
of years.

There is no logical reason 
to predict a coming 
climate crisis.

No human has ever 
demonstrated an ability
to predict the future 

Consider this sad mixture
of politics and science:
“Although our data 
and statistical approach 
were valid to estimate 
the question we actually 
tested (the race of civilians 
fatally shot by police), 
given continued misuse 
of the article 
(e.g., MacDonald, 2020) 
we felt the right decision 
was to retract the article,” 
Michigan State University’s 
Joseph Cesario and the 
University of Maryland 
at College Park’s 
David Johnson wrote, 
in their retraction request, 
according to the blog 
Retraction Watch.

Cesario and Johnson's work 
linked to the excellent work 
by the Manhattan Institute’s 
Heather MacDonald, often 
protested for publicizing data 
showing racial disparities 
in policing and crime 
are typically due 
not to racism, 
but to higher rates 
of criminal behavior 
among blacks and 
Hispanics, as compared 
to whites and Asians.

Research has found that 
black officers shoot black 
suspects at the same rate 
white officers do, and that 
police in general are 
more reluctant to shoot 

That is the conclusion 
of the study Cesario and 
Johnson want to retract, 
due to politics, not due to
scientific error.

That type of political bias 
is the tip of the iceberg 
of scientific corruption.

The bias starts with wild guess, 
always wrong, always negative, 
predictions of the future climate 
on our planet.

Wrong predictions 
are not real science.

Real science requires 
right predictions !

Another example is politicians
using “science” to make 
largely arbitrary, ill-informed,
decisions on how to handle

The pandemic is still in progress,
so data are incomplete, and have
not even been checked for 

There are no 
COVID-19 experts
yet !

Science says 
don’t wear a mask. 

Science says 
do wear a mask ?

Science says 
gathering in groups 
will spread coronavirus. 

But not if those groups are 
are anti-America protesters 
hollering at the police ?

Science says 
attending church
is bad.

But going to the 
grocery store.
is good ?

Science says
kids shouldn’t 
go back to school.

Medical organizations 
say not going to school 
is more dangerous 
to kids than going ?

The Centers 
for Disease 
Control never 
closing schools.

As summarized in Nature, 
a pro-leftist biased publication:
 “More than 70% of researchers 
have tried and failed to reproduce 
another scientist’s experiments, 
and more than half have failed 
to reproduce their own experiments.”

 What “studies say” 
are NOT
generally reliable. 

The “gold standard” is a 
double-blind, randomized 
controlled trial, which is 
rarely done).

Social “science” has long been 
a political manipulation tool.

You can't generate hard data 
due to its subject matter.

Research on environmental 
issues is notoriously biased 
and unreliable. 

Findings that contradict 
leftist beliefs are 
frequently suppressed.

Today’s science is too often
driven by ideology, not truth

"Science" has become 
a weapon to be used 
against people who 
disagree with leftist

Science had earned trust
from being trustworthy
and replicable.

Fortunately, people are 
becoming more aware 
that what 
“the science says”
is a wild guess, 
or even a lie.

A wild guess too often
defended by use of 
Saul Alinksky style ridicule:
“You are a science denier.”

To paraphrase Yogi Berra:
I want to thank the climate
"junk scientists" for making
this climate science blog