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Thursday, July 30, 2020

"False Alarm" -- Danish Economist and "lukewarmer" Bjorn Lomborg Strikes Out Again !

"False Alarm: 
How Climate 
Change Panic
Costs Us Trillions, 
Hurts the Poor, 
and Fails to 
Fix the Planet"
by Bjorn Lomborg 
(Basic Books, $30)

"Lukewarmers" are the worst
climate alarmists because
they try to sound reasonable
with a compromise position.

They basically say 
climate change 
is a serious 
man made problem
that must be solved, 
but there's no emergency.

That's wrong.

The climate on our 
planet has been 
improving since
20,000 years ago,
when Canada, 
Chicago and Detroit
were covered with 
ice glaciers.

Those glaciers were
melted by 10,000
years ago, and climate
reconstructions claim
the climate was slightly
warmer than now.

Climate change 
is what 
our planet does.

And has done
for 4.5 billion years.

We know from ice
core studies that 
we tend to have 
a few warmer 
than usual
followed by
several cooler
than usual 

The current 
warming trend 
started in the 
late 1600s.

Burning fossil fuels
didn't start that warming,
and we have no idea 
how much of that 
warming was caused 
by man made CO2.

We have no idea
what the future climate 
will be, nor can anyone
declare that future 
global warming
MUST BE bad news 
... after past warming 
has been good news!

A Danish political economist 
named Bjorn Lomborg published 
his first book on the environment, 
The Skeptical Environmentalist, 
in 2001. 

The book argued
that environmental 

It was a best-seller.

A decade after praising 
The Skeptical Environmentalist, 
Rolling Stone placed Lomborg 
on a list of “12 Politicians and 
Execs Blocking Progress 
on Global Warming,” 
along with Rex Tillerson 
and the Koch brothers.

False Alarm, 
by Lomborg, 
argues that 
have exaggerated 
climate change
in pursuit of 
an ideological 

Lomborg rejects
that we have 
only twelve years 
to stop climate change
... and that climate change 
threatens human extinction.

Both claims are wild,
science-free, leftist
speculations based on
meaningless computer

Lomborg argues
“climate change is 
a moderate problem 
in a sea of problems, 
big and small.” 

More important to him
are childhood malnutrition, 
gender inequality, and 
infectious disease. 

Gender inequality ?

In False Alarm, Lomborg
advocates a carbon tax, 
research into 
dramatically ramping up 
spending on green R&D,” 
and various mechanisms 
for international aid 
to boost economic growth 
in low-income countries 
to “make people richer.” 

Lomborg pours cold water 
on the overheated rhetoric 
of climate activists. 

That's the good news.

But he completely fails
to persuade people 
that global warming 
has been a problem 
for the past 325 years,
or that future warming,
(assuming the warming
trend continues),
will be harmful at all.

The actual warming 
since 1975 has been 
mainly in higher colder
latitudes, mainly during 
the six coldest months 
of the year, and 
mainly at night -- 
how harmful are 
warmer winter nights
in Alaska ?

If you want to talk about
climate solutions, 
then you must first
prove there is 
a climate problem.

Asserting that
you KNOW 
the future climate, 
which is not true, 
and that the future 
climate HAS TO BE
bad news, is not 
real science.

"Lukewarmers" and
other climate alarmists
claim they KNOW the
future climate,
after 50 years
of proving computer 
models can only 
make WRONG
climate predictions.

They claim
the ever changing 
climate on our planet
was "normal" in the 
1700s, and any change
since then is bad news.

That is complete nonsense !