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Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Top Ten Climate Science conclusions presented at this "The Honest Global Warming Chart" blog

The current
   Top Ten 
climate science
here at this: 
"The Honest 
Global Warming
Chart" blog: 

The great home page
"135 red thermometer chart" 
is visible on computers,
but not on smart phones, 
unless you switch to the 
"web view", or whatever 
your phone calls it.

That chart immediately
tells you 99% of what
you need to know about
global warming ...
which is to find something
else to worry about ...
or just enjoy your life,
and don't worry at all.

No one 
can predict 
the future

My own BS degree 
and MBA degree
don't give me 
the ability to predict
the future climate.

Having a science Ph.D 
would not change that.  

But I am confident
the future climate 
will be warmer, 
unless it is cooler.

I prefer warmer, 
while living in 
Michigan, USA,
since 1977. 

We've been
living in the 
same home 
since 1987, in 
Bingham Farms,
Michigan -- 
and four miles
south of here 
in an apartment, 
for seven years 
before that.

If it is slightly warmer 
in the winter here, 
it's barely noticeable,
so I demand more
global warming
here in Michigan !

Or else !

I started this blog
for the following 

"If you would 
not be forgotten,
as soon as 
you are dead, 
write something 
worth reading, 
or do something 
worth writing (about) "
  Benjamin Franklin   

Real science 

No one can predict 
the climate 100 years 
in the future 
... or even 10 years, 
because the causes 
of climate change 
are not known 
with any precision.

As proof, we have 
predictions of a coming
climate change crisis
that have been wrong 
since the 1970s.

A few predictions 
began in the late
1950s !

The current climate 
on our planet
is the best it has been 
for the well being
of humans, pets, 
other animals
and plants, 
for at least 
325 years !

Plants do prefer 
more CO2 in the air,
based on greenhouse 
experience, and 
thousands of 
scientific studies
( most plants 
prefer 800 to 2,000 
parts per million 
of CO2 in the air, 
for optimum growth,
vs. 415 ppm CO2
outdoors today ).

The claim
that CO2 levels
"control the climate" 
can not be correct 
-- in many of the
decades after 1940, 
there was little or no 
positive correlation 
of the rising CO2 level 
and the global
average temperature 
( using the best available 
temperature measurements ).

The global average 
temperature of Earth's
surface has remained 
in a narrow 
one degree C. 
range since the 
late 19th century.
( excluding brief, local heat peaks
from El Nino temperature spikes,
in 1998, and late 2015 / early 2016 
-- El Nino's are natural, cyclical 
heat releases from the Pacific Ocean, 
not believed related to CO2 levels. ) 

A one degree C. 
global average 
temperature range 
since the 1800s 
is not abnormal 
for a planet 
where the climate 
is always changing 
( our planet 
is never in 
equilibrium) .

During 'the era 
of man made CO2', 
since 1940, 
the average global 
temperature declined 
(1940 to 1975), 
(1975 to 2003), and
barely changed 
(2003 to mid-2015), 
as CO2 continued 
to increase.

If the CO2 level 
was really the
global average
"control knob", 
then every decade 
should have had 
global warming !

The claim that 
adding CO2 
to the air will
eventually cause 
runaway global 
warming is 
science fraud. 

There WAS warming 
from 1975 to 2003 
in 'the era of man made 
CO2' ( since 1940 ).

But there was almost
two-thirds as much 
warming claimed
from 1910 to 1940,
which was BEFORE 
man made CO2 
could be blamed 
for more than 
a small portion !

to the climate 
since 1940, 
that could not 
be explained 
by natural 
but that fact 
does not stop 
anti-CO2 zealots
from blaming CO2, 
using the classic 
leftist assertion:
" Because we have
science degrees,
and we say so ! "

The false demonization 
of the very beneficial 
plant fertilizer, CO2, 
foolishly takes attention 
and funding away from 
fighting REAL pollution 
of the air, water and land, 
which is especially bad 
in Asian cities.

Adding CO2 
to the atmosphere, 
by burning fossil 
fuels, when using 
modern pollution 
controls, was 
the best thing 
humans have done 
to support more life
on our planet, 
by 'greening'
the planet
… along with 
central heating, 
air conditioning, 
and most important, 
The Three Stooges,
( currently played by
Greta "thundering"
Thunberg, AOL, 
and "Curley"
Joe Biden ! )

( To be fair,
President Trump 
has never made
an intelligent statement
about climate science,
comparable to 
the "Three  Stooges" 
listed above. )

So, why is there 
so much climate
when the current climate
is wonderful, and has been
getting better for over
300 years ?

    My logical answer:
"The urge to save humanity 
from harmless carbon dioxide 
is a "progressive" false front 
for their urge to rule."
   The Honest Global 
   Warming Chart Blog