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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Washington Post Climate Lies ... Again -- June 2020 Was NOT the Hottest June on Record

“Almost tied as the warmest June”
               is NOT 
“the hottest on record.",
               as the 
 Washington Post lied 
to the American people !

June 2020 was not  
the hottest June 
on record. 

No scientist
said it was.

The Washington 
(com)Post did not care
what the scientists said !

The European Union 
climate scientists
actually said this:
temperatures last month 
were +0.53°C warmer 
than the average June 
from 1981-2010, 
almost tied as 
the warmest June 
in this record and with the
Siberian Arctic experiencing 
the most above-average 

In Europe, 
temperatures were 
far above average 
in the north 
but below average 
in the south, 
overall tying as 
the second warmest 
European June 
in our record.”

Previously, in late June,
the mainstream media 
claimed that Verkhoyansk, 
Russia reached the 
hottest ever temperature 
above the Arctic Circle.

Not mentioned:
A warmer, 100-degree F 
temperature was reported 
above the Arctic Circle 
over 100 years ago !

Also not reported, 
Verkhoyansk, Russia, 
had snow just 
two weeks later !

That snow did not fit 
the climate alarmist
narrative, so the snow
was never reported
by the mainstream media.

For Russia, the so-called  
hottest-ever June on record
certainly applied to 
the weather in Siberia, 
most of the rest of Russia 
was cooler than normal !

Looking at the most accurate,
and nearly global, temperature 
data collection methodology, 
as measured by NASA satellites, 
there was no global heat
record for June 2020.

Satellite measurement data
reported that June 2019 
was warmer than June 2020. 

Dr. John Christy,
the  senior scientist 
in charge of satellite data 
at the University of Alabama, 
Huntsville, said:
“June was not  a record for 
Global, Northern Hemisphere, 
Southern Hemisphere, 
or the Tropics.” 

Use of NASA 
weather satellites
to measure 

The troposphere 
is where the greenhouse
gas warming effect 
occurs, and the best
place for nearly global 
measurements in a 
constant environment.

Only small areas over 
both poles can not 
be measured and must
be estimated.

Surface temperature "data"
include far more wild 
guesses, made to sound
scientific by using the 
term "infilling" (missing data).

NASA has repeatedly claimed
heat records within Africa
where there are NO
weather stations -- they just 
make up the number,
and claim record heat !

Since late 1978, several
polar-orbiting satellites 
carried some form 
of a microwave sensor 
to monitor atmospheric 

These spacecraft 
circle the globe, 
roughly pole-to-pole, 
making a complete orbit 
in about 100 minutes. 

They are sun-synchronous, 
so the Earth rotates, on its axis 
underneath, as the spacecraft 
orbits pole to pole, so the 
entire planet is observed 
in a single Earth-rotation 
( one day ). 

The intensity of microwave 
emissions from atmospheric 
oxygen are directly proportional 
to temperature, allowing 
a conversion of these 
measurements to temperature. 

Emissions come from 
most of the atmosphere, 
so they represent a 
deep layer-average 
temperature, such as the 
lower troposphere
    (LT, surface to ~ 9 km), 
            and the 
mid- troposphere 
     (MT, surface to ~ 15 km). 

The University 
of Alabama 
in Huntsville 
    (UAH), and 
The Remote Sensing 
Systems (RSS), 
produce averages
every month, 
of both products.