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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Climate science free speech on Facebook and Twitter Is Dangerous ?

I don't use Facebook
or Twitter, and never will.
Please consider 
doing the same.

"Settled science” 
is the false argument
used by those 
intolerant of differing 
science-based viewpoints.

Those who control social media 
networks have a great influence
on the national conversation
on climate science.

They hire almost all
left-leaning employees. 

This incredible power 
is being used to influence 
public sentiment 
and elections.

Leftists are trying 
to leave others
shut out of the debate 
almost entirely. 

Twitter had 1,100 insiders 
and contractors with access
to the “God Mode,” 
which allows almost total control 
over user accounts and content. 

There was no internal oversight 
over such a powerful access level.

Facebook was designed to bring 
people together ... yet it suppresses
 debate over “climate change”. 

After Trump won in 2016, 
Facebook began site reforms 
to regulate user content, 
including those who disagreed 
with left-leaning scientists’ 
prevailing opinions.

Facebook tips the scales in favor 
of climate alarmists, even banning 
site users from seeing and sharing 
factual content created by 
credentialed climate scientists. 

Climate zealots 
want Facebook
to ban access
to opinion pieces 
that challenge 
the “progressive” 
climate change beliefs.

Zealots include the Sierra Club,, and the Center for 
American Progress.

These groups have endorsed 
dingbat Marxist Representative 
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), 
who has proclaimed that 
“the world is going to end 
in 12 years, if we don’t address 
climate change.” 

To claim that climate science,
or any science, is settled  
... is dangerous censorship.

Scientific work 
cannot proceed
without free speech.

The processes 
for making electric
vehicles and their batteries,
for one example,
are highly destructive 
to the environment. 

The Sierra Club has preached 
in favor of EVs for years, 
and finds dissenting arguments

When debate is shut down, 
the public fails to hear about 
the misuse of child labor
at cobalt mines in the Congo, 
and other disturbing details.

But never mind that -- 
the Sierra Club doesn't think
you need to know that ...
and they want Facebook 
to support them !