Climate change alarmists
demand that government
policy-makers listen
to “the science”.
Follow "the science"
is a leftist "religion".
Unfortunately, much
of their science is junk
For climate change:
Wild guesses about
the future climate,
coming from people
with science degrees,
usually on government
payrolls, or getting
government grants.
That was obvious to me
when I got interested in
reading climate science,
as a hobby, in 1997.
Their 100 year climate
forecasts were not
believable then,
and are still not
As an atheist,
I still understand
most of the ten
make sense
for maintaining
a pleasant society.
But religion
has some
serious faults,
in my opinion,
that science
Close minded
to all doubt,
criticism and
Of course
real science
has a lot of
questions can
make many
people nervous.
Religions will
provide "answers".
Junk science will
provide "answers"
I may think they are
ridiculous "answers",
or just speculation,
but most people
are believers.
"We don't know"
should be a common
answer to questions
asked of scientists,
because it is the
correct answer.
But scientists, and
people in general,
treat "we don't know"
as a sign of a weakness.
People just love
predictions of the
But predicting the
future is not really
the goal of science.
the present and past
is the primary goal.
How could anyone
predict the future
climate when the
causes of past
climate change
are not known
with any precision?
The desire to learn
about a very complex
system – such as
the physics of
our planet's climate
change is a good
But that knowledge
is far from complete.
Rather than saying
"we don't know",
the study of
climate change
physics has been
transformed by
jumping to a
Human beings
are ruining the
And to preserve
the climate,
many believe,
humans must be
To control humans,
our politicians need
scientific "advisors".
Those advisors get
a lot of visibility, and
sometimes national
fame too.
Yet they avoid
much of the risk
of being wrong
about the future
climate, because
they do not directly
make policy decisions.
"Follow the science"
has become a leftist
chant for many
of their policy demands
( but only "the science"
that seem to support
their opinions ).
Opponents are called
"science deniers”,
using an infamous
Saul Alinsky tactic
of ridiculing anyone
who wants a rational
debate, as not being
worthy of a debate.
A lot of the climate
alarmism is an appeal to
(government) authority
-- a logical fallacy.
Modern science can't
provide answers to how
humans should deal
with their fear of the
unknown future.
The coming
climate "crisis"
is a fake crisis.
No scientist today
has a methodology
for predicting the
the future climate,
yet we keep hearing
wild guesses,
backed up by
computer games.
Those computer
games predict
whatever their
owners want
predicted --
they are just
not real data.
to look like
real science.
We have had over
three decades
of computer
climate "models"
grossly over
predicting actual
global warming !
The causes of
of the past 4.5
billion years of
naturally caused
climate change
are not yet fully
Yet we are told
the future climate
is easy to predict !
We have had
global warming
since the 1690's,
and that warming
has been 100%
good news !
Today we are told
the average climate
was perfect in
the mid-1700s
( nonsense ),
and any changes
since then
are bad news
(more nonsense).
For a brainwashed
climate alarmist,
the future climate
MUST be bad news
... unless you do
everything the
'Green New
Dealers' say,
without asking
any questions !
And if people
do NOT follow their
'marching orders',
it is implied that
our children
will go to 'hell' :
( no travel
required --
our planet
will allegedly
turn into a
global warming
"hell" , caused
by man made
carbon dioxide
emissions, from
using fossil fuels )
This adds up to
a scary fairy tale
for young children,
but no sane adult
should believe
the coming climate
crisis nonsense.
Our planet's climate
is always warming
or cooling.
We should be
very happy
we get to live
in a relatively
warm period,
the Holocene
which has been
getting slightly
warmer since 1975.
The wonderful
current climate
is NOT a problem
at all.
Not unless you
consider warmer
winter nights in
Alaska to be
a problem !
There are plenty
of real problems
in the world,
such as
one billion people
with no electricity,
and air pollution
in most large
Chinese and
Indian cities.
Another real
problem is
the gross
over reaction
to COVID-19
-- Governments
and causing
an economic
depression ,
even though
over 99.9%
of people
with a COVID-19
virus infection
will not die.
The health and
economic costs
of an economic
depression are
ignored even long
past the daily death
rate peak back
in April 2020.