“The whole aim
of practical politics
is to keep
the populace
alarmed -
and hence
to be led to safety -
by menacing it with
an endless series
of hobgoblins,
all of them
“The urge
to save humanity
is almost always
only a false face
for the urge
to rule it.”
H.L. Mencken
“Politics is the art
of looking for trouble,
finding it everywhere,
diagnosing it incorrectly,
and applying the
wrong remedies.”
Groucho Marx
Well before the climate change scare started, we were warned in 1961:
“… [In] the technological revolution during recent decades...research has become central ... complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government ... the solitary inventor ... has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields ... the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.”
- President Eisenhower
in his Farewell address
“Future generations
will wonder,
in bemused amazement,
that the early
twenty-first century’s
developed world,
went into
a hysterical panic,
over a globally averaged
temperature increase,
of a few tenths
of a degree,
on the basis of
gross exaggerations,
of highly uncertain
computer projections,
combined into
chains of
to contemplate
a roll-back of the
industrial age.”
Richard S. Lindzen, PhD,
quote from 2009
MIT Professor of Atmospheric Sciences,
member of the National Academy of Sciences,
and former lead author, U.N. Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
“The common enemy
of humanity is man.
In searching for
a new enemy to unite us,
we came up with
the idea that pollution,
the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine
and the like would fit the bill.”
- The Club of Rome
Premier environmental
think-tank and consultants
to the United Nations.
“We’ve got to ride
this global warming issue.
Even if the theory
of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing
the right thing
in terms of economic
and environmental policy.”
- Timothy Wirth, President
of the UN Foundation
“No matter if the science
of global warming is all phony...
climate change provides
the greatest opportunity
to bring about justice
and equality in the world.”
- Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister
of the Environment
“It doesn’t matter
what is true,
it only matters
what people
believe is true.”
- Paul Watson,
of Greenpeace
“The only way
to get our society
to truly change
is to frighten people
with the possibility
of a catastrophe.”
- Emeritus professor
Daniel Botkin
“The future is to be [One]
World Government with
central planning by the
United Nations.
Fear of
- whether real or not -
is expected to lead
to compliance.”
- Former Washington
State Democratic governor
Dixy Lee Ray
“Urgent and unprecedented
environmental and
social changes challenge
scientists to define
a new social contract ...
a commitment on the part
of all scientists to devote
their energies and talents
to the most pressing
problems of the day,
in proportion to their
in exchange for
public funding.”
NOAA’s (Commerce
Jane Lubchenko,
when president
of AAAS in 1999
“Our aim is not
to save the world
from ecological calamity
but to change
the global
economic system
… This is probably
the most difficult task
we have ever given
ourselves, which is
to intentionally transform
the economic development
model, for the first time
in human history.”
- UN Climate Chief
Christiana Figueres
“One has to free oneself
from the illusion that
international climate policy
is environmental policy.
It is not.
It is actually about
how “we redistribute
de facto the world’s
-IPCC official
Ottmar Edenhofer
“We must make this
an insecure
and inhospitable
place for capitalists
and their projects.
We must reclaim
the roads and
plowed land,
halt dam construction,
tear down existing dams,
free shackled rivers and
return to wilderness
millions of acres of
presently settled land.”
- David Foreman,
of Earth First
“Giving society
cheap, abundant
energy would be
the equivalent
of giving an idiot
child a machine gun.”
- Prof essor Paul Ehrlich,
Stanford University
"The Green New Deal
was not conceived
as an effort to deal with
climate change,
but instead a
-the-entire economy thing.”
“The interesting thing
about the Green New Deal
is it wasn’t originally
a climate thing at all,”
-Saikat Chakrabarti,
Rep. Alexandria
chief of staff.