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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Renewables don't run on solar and wind, they run on government subsidies

A "Green Recovery" is the latest item on the leftist (socialist) wish list. 

Cheap, relaiable electric power is the foundation of a prosperous economy. Prior to COVID-19, it made no sense to replace cheap, reliable fossil fueled and nuclear electric power plants with expensive, unreliable solar and wind farm power, (and dirty wood power is even worse). That has not changed.

Green technologies that were government subsidized money-losers before the pandemic ... are still government subsidized money-losers now. But now there is less money available to lose on them.

Green recovery plans are leftist driven economic restructuring. Possibly resulting in tiny long -term pollution reductions, even if you assume CO2 is dangerous pollution. This is a science blog, so of course I do not consider CO2 to be pollution, because that would be an embarrassing belief. Carbon dioxide is the staff of life on out planet. Without CO2, almost all life on Earth ends. 

The current CO2 level is unusually low relative to the multi-billion year history of our plant. Most plants prefer double to quadruple the current atmospheric CO2 level for optimum growth.

We are living in a temporary, once-in-a-lifetime I hope, state government-mandated depression. I say depression because 28 million Americans, of a 160 million labor force, are currently collecting unemployment compensation. That's down from 32 million at the peak a few weeks ago, but is still huge.

COVID has exploded public debt, and delayed business investments.There is less money to waste now.  Investments that lead to permanent (long term) job creation would be  most useful. Those investments are the ones that will earn profits.

Profitability is not simple to predict, but certain industries do have higher profit margins than others. Expected profits tell businessmen and businesswomen what consumers most want to buy. Surveys and active imaginations tell business people what brand new products are likely to be the most profitable. Mistakes are made often, and investors risk losing their money.

Projects that lose money will burn up investors' capital, go bankrupt, or require government subsidies to survive. The COVID-19 pandemic did not change basic economics. Renewable energy that drives up electric prices, and causes unreliable electric power, as in California, is bad news. Bad news that will help drive business investments to other nations, just like high US labor costs (relative to worker productivity) encouraged the movement U.S. manufacturing to Asia.