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Friday, September 4, 2020

Oceanographer Jochem Marotzke not concerned about Greenland’s ice sheet thawing

Oceanographer Jochem Marotzke  said he’s not concerned about Greenland’s ice sheet thawing. “It’s gonna take so long – a couple thousand years. I don’t see any risk with Greenland”, the director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Germany told a Frankfurt newspaper. He’s more worried about a panic caused by sensational media reports, than climate “tipping points.”

Some other things he said were very interesting In an interview with flagship daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung:  Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPIM) Director Dr. Jochen Marotzke said predicting how many degrees of warming we need to prepare for was like reading tea leaves and that he is not worried about “climate tipping points”.

He also spoke of the wide disagreement among climate models. When asked about the results of the French model released earlier this year, which assumes five degrees of warming for a doubling of atmospheric CO2,  (versus actual measurements so far, of about +1 degree C., even with the worst case assumption that all warming is caused only by CO2, with no proof of that).

Marotzke expressed his amazement, telling the FAZ what he thought of the French scientists: “My God, what are you doing?  Because it is very, very unlikely that the true climate is as sensitive as these new models show.The issue of climate sensitivity is extremely complex. Therefore, the results of a model should first be treated with caution,”

Later in the interview, the FAZ touched on the so-called “tipping points in the climate system”. Possible tipping points named by some scientists include the Greenland Ice Sheet, Gulf Stream, West Antarctica ice, coral reefs, Amazon dying, etc. When asked which one is most worrying, Marotzke he replied: “None”.  “I don’t see any risk with Greenland”

The melting of the Greenland ice sheet does not worry the MPIM Director. He told the FAZ:  “It’s gonna take so long – a couple thousand years. I don’t see any risk with Greenland.”  ... “The ice comes back every year – in winter". Marotzke, who has been Director at the MPIM in Hamburg since 2003, also said: “When the temperature goes down again, the sea ice will come back."

He is also not worried about the permafrost thawing, saying the contribution to warming “is relatively small. Besides, even if the permafrost thaws, it is uncertain how much of the methane actually reaches the atmosphere,” said Marotzke. “Methane can be converted by bacteria to CO₂. I am not worried about methane.”
Source: if you can read German

Marotzke has always been a climate alarmist. I think he is backpedaling now to appear more skeptical, because more people aren’t buying climate catastrophism. Skepticism is the primary characteristic of a good scientist. For Marotzke, I believe the skepticism is fake, just like the coming climate crisis. On the other hand, I'm glad to hear him speak more reasonably. 

Back in 2015, Marotzke said “The claim that models systematically overestimate warming from increasing greenhouse gas concentrations is unfounded,”