Even with all the scary COVID-19 articles and predictions, there's always time for the mainstream media to continue creating fear about global warming. They are now telling us Greenland’s ice sheet has reached the “point of no return.”. Which is complete ninsense. But truth is not a leftist value. And that's why this blog exists !
Oceanographer Jochem Marotzke said he’s not concerned about Greenland’s ice sheet thawing. “It’s gonna take so long – a couple thousand years. I don’t see any risk with Greenland”. The director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Germany told that to a Frankfurt newspaper. He’s more worried about a panic caused by sensational media reports, than climate “tipping points.” More from that interview in the next article.
“The Greenland Ice Sheet is losing mass at accelerated rates in the 21st century,” says a new research paper published in Nature’s Research Communications Earth & Environment, “making it the largest single contributor to rising sea levels.”
We’re told that “nearly 40 years of satellite data from Greenland shows that glaciers on the island have shrunk so much that even if global warming were to stop today, the ice sheet would continue shrinking.”
The report inspired sensational mass media headlines:
“The Greenland ice sheet is melting to a point of no return: study”
— The Hill
“Greenland ice sheet lost a record 1m tonnes of ice per minute in 2019”
— The Guardian
“Going, Going … Gone: Greenland’s Melting Ice Sheet Passed a Point of No Return in the Early 2000s”
— Inside Climate News
“Loss of Greenland Ice Sheet Reached a Record Last Year”
— New York Times
“There’s no hope for Greenland’s melting ice sheet”
— USA Today
The mass media failed to mention that Greenland was warmer in the 1930s than it is today. Why didn’t the Greenland ice sheet reach a “point of no return” in the 1930s? Greenland was also warmer about 10,000 years ago, during the Holocene Climate Optimum, than in the present.
Greenland headlines were more interesting in 2018 and 2019:
“Greenland Is Getting Colder: New Study”
— Global Warming Policy Forum, January 2018
“Retreating Greenland Glacier Is Growing Again”
— From a March 2019 NASA report
“At first we didn’t believe it. We had pretty much assumed that Jakobshavn (glacier) would just keep going on as it had over the last 20 years.”
“Jakobshavn Isbrae: Mighty Greenland glacier slams on brakes”
— BBC, May 2019
“It’s a complete reversal in behaviour and it wasn’t predicted,” said one researcher.
Below are two charts of Greenland ice mass. An honest chart followed by a deceptive chart. Both charts show the same thing, but one is designed to take the minor Greenland melting out of context, making the melting look huge ... when it is really tiny relative to the entire Greenland ice mass. So tiny it looks like a straight line on the honest chart. This type of deception happens frequently with climate junk science.
Honest Greenland Ice Melt Chart:
Dishonest Greenland Ice Melt Chart: