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Friday, September 4, 2020

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The mainstream media have provided decades of biased, anti-science climate alarmism. They never mention the past 325 years of intermittent global warming, that have been pleasant and harmless. I want to thank the mainstream media for making this blog necessary!

Climate alarmists promote 

two bizarre concepts:
The climate was perfect 200 to 300 years ago, and any change from then is bad news. We only have very rough estimates of the global average temperature and CO2 level 200 to 300 years ago, but never mind that. 

And never mind the other 4.5 billion years of climate. Because the climate was perfect 200 to 300 years ago, and the proof of that is: "We're big shot government bureaucrat climate scientists and we say so!"
After 4.5 billion years of only natural causes of climate change, sometime during the 20th century it is claimed that man made CO2 magically became the "climate controller", and natural causes of climate change were declared too small to care about. No evidence that really happened.  No explanation of why it would happen. The claim is just asserted without proof, but asserted with great confidence. Skeptics are called "science deniers", or "climate deniers", to silence them, and prevent debate.

We've heard 50 years of scary, but always wrong, predictions of a coming climate crisis ... that I suspect will be followed by another 50 years of scary, but always wrong, predictions of a climate crisis. 

The climate crisis consists of nothing more than predictions ... made by people who have no ability to predict the climate next year, much less in 100 years.

Historical temperatures are frequently "adjusted", and "readjusted"  to show more global warming, and better "match" the predictions. Most of the surface temperature "data" are contaminated with made up numbers, with no measurements. That's called infilling -- I call it wild guessing. Satellite data, with very little infilling, is ignored, because it shows less warming than surface data.

Any unusually wet weather, or unusually dry weather, is blamed on "climate change". Unusually warm weather is blamed on "climate change" too.
But unusually cold weather is just "weather".

With no skepticism, the mass media publish wild guess, always wrong, but always confident, predictions of a coming climate crisis. An imaginary crisis that we have been patiently waiting to happen for 50 years!  Debate is prevented with ridicule, character attacks and online censorship.

Meanwhile, our current climate is the best it has been, for humans, animals and plants, in hundreds of years, since the Little Ice Age centuries. Our planet is 'greening' from more CO2 in the atmosphere. Our climate is getting better, decade after decade. But for some people, real climate changes, such as warmer winter nights in Alaska, are an existential climate threat. Beware -- people who try to scare you about the future climate, also want to control you.

I retired at an unusually young age, in January 2005. I had been writing a finance and economics newsletter, ECONOMIC LOGIC, for paid subscribers as a hobby, starting when I was getting my Finance MBA in 1977. But I wanted to contribute more to society, guided by a Benjamin Franklin quote:
"If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing (about) "  

That's why I write three blogs now, and this is my most popular one -- thank you for reading. My writing here is guided by my favorite philosopher, Lawrence "YogI" Berra, who once said: "I really didn't say everything I said."

Richard Greene,
  since 1953

  since 1965
Favorite song
this week:
Stone Temple Pilots
- Dancing Days

  since 1973

State University
of New York,
at Albany,

Stern School
of Business,
at New York

Editor of
a finance
from 1977 to
June 2020

Living in
Bingham Farms,
  since 1987

Retired, lazy bum,
  since January 2005

Editor of the
Economic Logic Blog,
  since 2008

Editor of this
Honest Global
Warming Chart Blog,
  since 2014

Editor of the
Election Circus
politics blog,
  since 2016

Very disappointed
that global warming
appears to have
skipped Michigan !

My Favorite Quote:
“Politics is the art
of looking for trouble,
finding it everywhere,
diagnosing it incorrectly,
and applying the
wrong remedies.”

  Groucho Marx